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Show The fecond Booke of thefirkt part 252 ites Cuar.s.§4 oS HAP,5.9.5. doabake ines oftheir numbers flaughtered thegreacett part : andsfollowiig their viGory and purfuite, confumed themall the way oftheir flight, eulen vito Hormahy the ‘Amadlekitesin reuenge of, theirformerlofle said ouerthrowat Raphidim : the Canass nites to prenent their difplantationand deftruSion threatnéd:: OF which powerfull af fembly. of thofetwo Nations (affifted in all likelihood withthe neighbour Kings ioyned together fortheircommonfafetie)it pleafed God to forewarne Mofes;andtodirea him anotherway,than that formerly intended. For hecommandedhimto returne by painefull paffages ofthe Deferts, through whichtheyhad formerly travelled) thofe ‘tillthey foundthe bankes ofthe red Seaagaine: in whichretraite before they camebacke to pafle 1 ouer ferdaz, there Were confumed 38. yeetes; and: the Whole. numberof the 6d0, and odde thoufand, which came out of Aigypt ( Mofes, lolbua, and Caleb excepted') were dead inthe Wilderneffe, the ftubborne and carcleffe generatio ns were wholly worné eut,and the promifed Land beftowed on. their. children 3 Which ‘were ‘increafed to 600000.andthore. Forbefidesthe double faule-both of refufing to enter the Laid vpon the returne Amos5.25, Aas 7.42. 2 Kin,17.16. SK capwry.3. oftheir difcouerers,andthe prefamption then to attem prit, whenthey Were countermaunded: itfeemeth thatthey had committed worlhipping 4¢o/och, and the Hoftof Heauen. For although that horrible Idolatry of atofes dothnot mentionit, yet Amos doth, andfo doth the Martyr Stephen's as alfo thar the Iraelites worhiipped the Sunne and Mooneinafter-times, itis proued outof oh Nowafter the broken Companies were returned to fundry otherplaces. the Campeat Cades, Mofes.accorseeks 3.3. dingto the commandementreceiued from: God; departed towards the South ftom Hierem.¢*t5. whence hee came,to recouerthe fhoares of the Red Sea. A nd fo from Cades or Rithms L3G. hee remoued to Remmonpares,, fo called ofabunda diuided among them. From whence he wentontonce of Pomegranates there found and Litzeh, taking that name ofthe Frankincenfethere found. From Libnah he Nwmn.3 3: croft the foote of the mountaine. Andafter he the Valley, and fate downe at Re/fa;neete had refted there, he bended towards the Welt, and incamped at Ceelata ; where Kor 2M, 5. 1 one ofthe Hebrewes, for gathering broke n wood onthe Sabbath, was ftoned to death.Afer which , a4ofes alwayes keeping the Valley, betwee ne " two greatledges of mountaines, (thofe which bound the Defert of Sinnezand thole Pharan) croft the fame from Ceelata, and marched Eaftwardtothe mountaine ofsabe of r, orSepber : this making the Twentieth manfion. From thence hee pafled thento Azaceloth, and then to Thabah,and to! Harada; to Thara or Thare: the foureon andtwentieth manfion. Where Ato/es refted, the peopl e began that infolentand dangerous mutiny 0 Korah, Dathan,8 Abiram ;who for their contempt of God & his Minifers;were allowed vp aliue,and by the Earth openi of Cambyfes::'yer is Adrichowins great ly deceived, asmahy-tiines heels, in finding'thefe Sprin gs at Gadgad,or Tetabatz, being'the nine and twent ieth or thirtieth Manfion.. ‘For it was at Punoa , thatt hofe Springs are {poken'of, whichin Desteronomy the tenthsand the fearcheh Verfe, is alfo called Letabatas ox Tor~ athe Landof running waters,and which byiall ¢ the next adioyning. And thar thet Sprinprobability fall into the Rinér Zgs thould fall' inco thé ‘Red Sez, gaber, or Eloth at , Y cannot beleeue, forthe way thither is very long. And this J finde in Belonias, that thete are diuers Torre nts'of ‘frefh water ‘in thofe {andy parts' Arabia: which though of they' continue theii courfe foria few miles; yet they are drunkevpby thehorand thirfty: fand, before they can recouer'the banke s of the Red Sea, Army 80 Moferoth, (or Atafarit.akeer Sainremouedto Methra;and thenceto Efmona; and then t Hierome)and G *egadwhich Heerome calle Moferothto Beme th Gadgada;thenceto from Letabata.the thirtieth iacan ; and {ore ~Fcettaine foun Manf taines ofwater gathered in one, Advichomsjzgs maketh a ion ; whe falleth into the Red Sea, River, wi! betweene Atadjan and 4 fongaber, No# . Prom Vecabata; Mofes directed his iourney towar ds the Red &€2,and incamped brona, and from thenceto Efioneaber : at xe. which City in Lofephies.time had the name of Berenice sand in Hieromes, Efsia. Pronithence, keeping the Sea; ‘and Eloth on his right hand, hee turne d towar ds the North, as hee was by: God comm ity 1 t anded 2 Efoxs 20 ber being the t Cn 274= Teut. fartheft place towards the * . 1 South: Eaft, that Mofes travailedin ° fage. that pate Tt feemeth thar Efiongaber or Afio ngaber Bloth and Madian, werenot av this the poffeffion of the Kings of Edom.» Forit isfaid, That the. Lord Spake ontotime in and Aaronin the Mount Hor 3 weer Motes ethe Coast ofthe Land ofEdom; fo asthe} fount Hor was atthis time in the South bord er of Idumez. And if Eftongab er.and the other Places neerethe Red Sea, had at this prefent been 2 2 e fubiect vnto the ldumeans , Alofe would alfo haue demanded a free pafl s age thro ugh: them. «It is true, thafin the fu. turethe Jdumeans obtained thole places : foriv is faid ssti nd they arofeoywt Of Midiam, tKings x and came to Paran, and tooke men with th em Which. were thof e Com1 panies thar fol30 lowed young Adad of Idumea, into Egypt, when he fled from Joab, Likewife it is id ofSalomox, that heemade a Nau y-of thippesin Efiongaber befi des E, loth; inthe Land of Daaee fomeof ng her mouth de dred andfifty which offered incenf e with Korah, wey Heauen ; and 14700. oftheir party, which murmured againtt A4o/es, ftricken dead witha ddenpeftilence : one of the greateft maruailes and indgements ofGod, thewed in allthetime ofMofeshis gouet hath bed nment, orbefore. Foramoig fo that great a mult" tude, thofé lay-men who would hau e vfur ped Eccl efia ftic all: autho, ity, were firddenly fivallowed vpaliueintothe Ear th with their families and goods; to ouerthrow the Order,Difcip litte,and power ofthe Church euen while they fought yand to nyakeallmenalike therein, rebellioufly contendin had committed the gouernmen g againftthe High Prieft and Magiftrate, co whom God t Andthe betterto affure the peop bothofhis Church,and Common-weale ofhis peopl e: le, and outof his great mercy toconfirmethem, itplet tormer éle@ion of his feruant 4* twelue Tribes sof which 440/# is Tribe » which being all withered and Wands, and on cuery rod the ‘i drie 0 nam e of the Prince of the ‘Tribe ‘writ that ofLeni, it pleafed God, ten; and Aarons 00" that the rod ofA aron recei nit, and hauinglaine in the Tab tied by his powera vegetabl e fr igregation, before the.arke had onitboth Buddes, Blof e one night, fomes, and ri Almonds, From Tharch thewhole 3 of the Hiflorie oftheWorld. ee - ct, fy pe se fibadiiieviceti NowaTeciei lthougaei eat nasads nn253 h it be very probable, tharar Afiongaber, where Salomo w furnifhed his Flectes for the Ealtzwdéa, there was ftore of fre(hw ater; and though Herodotus maketh * mention of a prearRiuerin Ara bia onic, whichhe cal h Corys, he) theinhabitanes Coriueigh waterithet from whence (faith n pipes of leathertolet otherplaces, by which deuice the King of Arabia télecued the Atiny he Amalekites being ioyned, and attending their aduatitage,, fet on ee wove Of Moles arviuall at Zin Kalles : and of abvde there: 4c the accidents whilethat they BS egy Rom Efioxgaber hee turned again e towards the North, and pitchedin the wif: derneffe of Zin, which is Kadefb : ovin' Beroth, of thé children Of Jac az . where theyfate downe in the firtt Monetho f the fortieth yecre, after they left For atthe next Manfion Aaron died Ezypt. in thefirft day of the fifth More th of the fortieth yeere : the nine and thirtieth yeere taking end at Efon gaber. And at this Cityof Cades (for foit wasthought to be ) orheere it, died Atiriams, or Mary , Mofes fitter, whofe Se- Numz pulcher wasto be feenein Saint 6. x. Hieromes time, as himfelfe auoweth. From hence ere hey departed to the Mountaine Hor, allthe people murmured mott Violently again(t Nam20. 3. by redafon ofthe{earcity of wate r. For neitherthe p unifhmen ts by fite from Hezdcing deuoured and fivallowed vpby thee arth.3 by the fudden peftilence , which n; nor any miracle formerly thew ing, ith this Nation any longer, than whil either the loucor wrath of God, e they were-full fed and fatisfied irappetites : burin fteadoffecki ng forhelpe andtcliefe at Godshan ered hunger, thirft, or anyother ds, want, they murmured; repined, re penting them and iCoftheirchanged eftares; and cafting vagratefully on Afyfe luentures; yea, though theywel s ;all l kne athe Deferts, ind that they were nowe w that their owne Fachers had left their ntr edin to the fortieth yéere, wherein rmiferies were totake end. "And being,:as ir Were, in the fight of the Land againe as obftinately tempted Goda s in 1 his promifes, nor feared his indignation. Bura former times, andneithes s the will ~ C and Putpofes.ofF God |