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Show ~The Jeera Bookeofthe first part Cnariss 9.1 C HAP. 5.9.2, The Family ofCobath onthe South-fide guided by Elizaphan, within the Army Ren. ben, and betweene him and the Tabernacle, in number.8600. The third company were of the Family ofAterari, ouer whom Zerie/ commanded, ininumber 6250, and thefe were lodged onthe Northfide, within the Army of Dew ;On the Eaft fide, and. nexe numberof thawhole Army: was,603'550.able men for the wat $,be fides wohreh &chil: dren ; al fo, befides the {trangets which followedthem out of £27pr.. This grest Anmy was diuided by.2¢¢/és into foure grofle and mightyBattalions, cachof whichcontained the firength ofthree whole Tribes. F _o Phe fist of thefe containing186400.able men, confifted of three Regimteats,which may, well,in refpeét of their numbers, be called Armies ; as containing theithree whole »y Tribes of Judabyifagbarand Zabulon. In the Tribe of sudlebivere 74.600. fighting men; ked by.Naaffor-in Lfachar 544 00sled by Nathaniel vin Zahnlons74.00.1ed by Eliab.All within thofe Tribes and Borces whichuudah led, did-Arofes.and. Agron lodge,:and their children, who werethe firftand immediate Commanders, both of the Ceremonies and ofthe People; vader whom,as the chiefe ofall the other Lesiticall Families, was Eleazay the fonne of daron,his fucceffourin thehigh Prieft-hood, Thiswas the order of the Army of//rae/,and oftheir incamping and marching ; the thefe marched ynderthe Standard of the Tribe of sedah, whdheld the Vaun tgaurd,and wasthe firft that moued 8 marched,being lodgecand quartered antheirfenerall incamd" ping on the Eaft-fide ofthe Army, which was heldche firftplace,and ofgreatéftdignity. Ehefecond Battalion or Army, called inthe Scriprurcs the Hoft: of Rewben, had ioy: nedvntoit S:zzeor and Gad, in numberx5 145 ovAll which marched vnderrhe Standard of Renber. In the Tribe of Reuben were 46500, vnderlizar sit Simeon: 59:70. vndet 10 Tabernacle of God being alwayfet in the middle and centerthereof, The reuer rendcare which 4zo/es. the Prophet; and chofen feruant of God, hadinallthat belonged éuen es the outward and leaft parts ofthe Tabernacle, 4rkeand Sanciuary,witnefled well the in- watdand mofthumble zeale borne towards God himfelfe.. The induftry vledinthe fra- ming thereof, and euery,andthe leaft partthereofsthe curious workmanthip thereon Shelumiel sin Gad 45 65 0.vader Elia/aphs Thefehadthe {econd place, and incamped on the South-fide of the Tabernacle, ; The third Army matched vader the Standard of Ephraim, to whom were ioynedthe bernacle. Ephraimhad 405 00,vnder Elifbama,i Mana(fe 32200. vider Gzmliel : Beni" ‘ 7#,2,54.00.WNder, .Abidam. The fourth and laft Army, or Squadron,of the generall Army, containing able men, marched vnderthe Standard of Dau; to whom were ioyned the two.157600. Tribes of Nephtaliand Aber. And thefelhadthe Rereward, and mouedlaft, incamping onthe thelaying vp, and preferuing the holy Veflels ; the folerane removing thereof; . Jant attendancethereon, audthe prouidentdefence of the fame, which all Ages ha fome degrée.imitated, is nowfo forgottenand caft awayinthis fuper-fine Age, by thofe ofthe Family,by the Azabaptift, Broveniff,and. other Secaries,as all coftand care beftowed 20 andhad of the Church, wherein Godisto be fertied and worthipped:, is.accou nred -a kinde of Popery,andas proceeding froman idolatrous difpofition : infomuch as Time would foone bring to pafle (if it were notrefifted ) that God would be,turned out of Churches into Barnes, and from thence againe into the Fieldsand Mountain es sand vn derthe hedges ;and the Offices of the asiniffery (robbed ofall dignity. andrefpe @)be as contemprible as thefe places,all Order,Di{cipline,and Church- gouernment;left to news North-fide, Daz had.62700. vader Abiezer': Afher 4.1'500. vader Pagiel: Nephtil 53400. vnder Ahira. x Befides thefe Princes of thefeuerall. Lribes » there, were' ordained: Capraines: outt Thoulands, ouer Hundreds,ouer Bifties,and ouér:Tens;as itmay-appeate by that mut nie andinfurreGion apainft, Afofes.s, Numer 6.va «8&2. /Forthere arofe wp againki Mr . Jes.25.0.Caprtaines ofthe Affembly, famous inthe Congregation; and. men cofirenowne :0l? which numberwere Korab,Dathan, and Abiram. Which three principal Mutiners,with thofe 25 0,Captaines that followed them,; werenot any ofthe x2. Princés‘of the Tribes or Generall Colonels before {poken of, as by-their hawes, am, 't.is made nefle of opinion,and mens fancies : yea, and foone after, as many. kindes.of Religions would {pring vp, as thereare Parifh-Churches within Englapa.: cuery_co ntentiou ignorant perfon clothinghis fancic with the Spirit of God, and hisimagination withs-and rhe Sift of Reuelation , infomuch, as when the Truth, whichis butone, fhall-app earero the 30 fimple multitude, no leflevariable than contrary.toit felfesthe Raithof Men. will foone after dye away bydegrees,andall Religion beheld in'{gorne and contempt . Which difraction gaueia great Prince ofGermany caufe ofthis an{werto thofe that perfwaded him to becomea Lutheran,. Si me aniunce vobistunc condemnar ab alys: {ime alijs adiungo, a vebis condemnor ; quid fugiam wideo;fed quidfequar,ponhabao: IfLadioyn e, my, felfe to, you, L manifelti sobs bletiing which d/raclgauc to hischildrenstooke placehotonelyin:the'divilion of theLand ofpromife, and other things of aimcondemnedby others; If I ioyne with others, Lam condemned by you: What fbould aucide more Gonfequence; long atter'following} bit euenin forting chem vader their-feuerall Standards in the wilderneffe ie ‘was vob {erned: For Luaah hadthe precedency and the gicarcliatmy, which alfo:was wholly compoll Jfee, but | knownot what I fhouldfollow, dcdofthe SoantsofLeah, acabs Wife, Kextemhauing lofkhis birth:tighr;followed iatht Iecond placeaccompanied withhis brother,Simeons.whovhad iadervaone his Fathers cuirfe;and with Gad,the fonne ofhis Mothers Hand maide, Joferh,whoin cemporall ble fings hadthe prerogatiue of thefirft bornea double portion, was accounted as tw Tribes,an d diuided i Whe clecber i He? intotwo Regiments :‘ theyoungetfaccordi. ng to nn prophecy) cy) #ti geallifted by Bemiamin, his beft bcloued brothestte Ve pon Rachel To theson thef aof 5Pan a the eldeftforof-tacabs > fourth Army, ac J Concubines;was given the leading bak, : none of thelg chides SORaEgO s\Hee Had with hin» vaderhis Stands!ar ent of Lea, ofAagobs Rachel,\propheey but onely.the fonnes ofthe Hand-maides. | ne middle of thefe Conerematts . . a foure Armies, was the Tabernacle, or portable Temple of; ong S carried, )ut-rou fur. by the Zemites, ; nded ; Neere vnto which, ar as che Heathe ns 230 . ‘ at's ded eagulanoepperirwd hehe thefefoure powerfull Armieswhich oat OEGF the Lenites,to whomthe che, t hikdren of Hraeltocome niecreit, et ple of God, and withfuch since, ne eenee facred was the moueab ia dsticstedso she Geruine sbigthaae ed and tranfj orted, as 22000. pelo 4cotding OtheetioeHt ya se creok: ofwhic V858o;had theipecyliar ¢ ia Oe sfock acct unctions:; the particolars' whereof are write { He Mutts SAE O embers, tAnd asthe Armidsof the people obferuedthe form és Rage2Aeayppings ‘fordid the Zewines quarter themfchues, asinian inner, {586 and Stindaid' of saeesha: the Gefbarstes omcthe Welt, within' the Am™ > Ouer wh hom Eliafaph commanded 9: ia number Te 1be- {towed ; theexceeding charge and expence inthe prouifions; the dutiful obferuanee it Regiments of Atana(fe and Beniamin; w ho, ioyned together, made in number 108100, ablemen.. Thefe marched inthe third place, incamping onthe Weft quaiterofthe Ta 249. of the Fiftorie ofthe World. §. II. The offerings of the trpelue Rrinces the Paffeouer of the fe condyeere : 40 The departing of Jethro. Owwhen Mo/es had taken order for all things neceflary provided forthe feruicé of God, writtenthe Lawes,numbred his Army,and diuided them intothe battailés dad, troupes before remembred,and appointed them: Leaders ofall forts; ‘The ox Commanders of the Tribes brought their offerings before rtn¢ Lord, twelue Princes to wit,fixecoues 3 red Chariots, and twelue'Oxen ro drawthem;,therein totranfp ort, as cheymarched,the "™"™ 7 ; parts of rhe Tabernacle,wit hall that belongedthereunto ; the Sancigarycxceptc ed, which forreuerence wascarried yponthe fhoulders of the fons.ofK orah, towwhom. the charge yvas. commitred,52and rhe 1¢ Chariots Chatiots in which which was. was conueyed conueyed the the other other parts pay af fhe che Taber Tabey~, sles and Veflels reffels thereré belongii ngwere nacles ites forthar fi deliveredj tothe Leaites i fernicen amesoly fo iB Se ngs of Gerfhaw'and Aerars ; ewoabos i Bs idestt gfe Chariots seach of rhefe Commanders, Princes, or Heads of Tribes;of¢ aS qarakeosand Ag his feruice in the Temple, a Charger of fing filuer, : 3° eck5.8 flyer Boll. of 70 theckles afte: the fheckle.of the Sanduary weighitig The Hebrew sand anEi +@erab weigh senic-Cupof geld, of. ten thechles, which bhey performed atthe fametime whenthe Al- a : tarwas dedicarcd ynto Godby«4arox : ahd before they, marched from sizetowa rds Gereh ofGluer is about three Its... 7 A ni 2 e the Sicle oh San @aty 7 , : ( asi= 7s etponhided: F x4d!20t 3 } containeth'10-Getahs, (9 a'Sin&uar *$$, the\common Suelo is burhaltess mych.to wired Geral mast isvfuallyexpounded 5 though ‘RACERS Commor and the Sanctuary Side .were.allone, Num, ge. .¢rfe 5. -Num«10 1) Exodus. Villaly : ius bail tlt. Numbers their |