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Show Thefecond Bookeof the fort part Bfayitg Cuap.2,94 ofimportance,and royall managing of the State hadpaffed ;whilelt that King himfelfe intending his quiet,had giuen his office to another, How ftrangets the hauc miftaken in this kinde,the example already cited of fefephs brethren, doth fiftic Witnelfe, Théreports ofPriefts doe appeare in Diodorus, and Herodotus : each ofintly whom, citing theifrelations,as good authorityfay; Diodorus, that Sefoftr is wasthe nine teenth King after Memes; Herodotus,that he wasthe 332.after Menas :whic Menashad-beenie Adam. Therfore we may well conclude,T h couldnot haue beene,if hat the Dywa/fines Were not fo manyraces ofKings, but fucceffions of Regents, appointedby the kings of fo many fundty linages or forts of men. Now by whatfocuer meanes a Dynafiie or Regenciecontinued : whetherin one familie, as being made an hereditaryoffice: orin one orderof mien,as held by faction : fureit is that it was the Kings gift and free choyce, that gaue the office. But the Crowne royal] alwayes paffe d (befides confent of Authors) the Scriptures alfo_ by defcent,& not byelection: which . For whereas Jofeph boughtall the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, ifthe Crowne hadproue paffed byelection, thenfhould Pht. raoh's children hereby eitherhaue beene inthra lled amongft the reft of the people, to thenext fucceffor:or inioying their Fathers land,thoughnot his eftate,haue been. more mighty thantheking : as Land-lords ofa ll Feypt, and theking himfelfe their Tenant , Likewife we finde'in Exod.1 2. that God{mote thefir/? borne of Pharaoh,that was tofitan bs Throne. Andin Efsyit is {aid of Pharaoh : Zam thefonne ofthe ancient King. en . §.LIIL eeepcveaeneedd - 4) y! Of Cham,and his fone Mizraim, er Ofiris, Ye the fucceffion ofKings bega n,and continued in fuch wife as the Table hath fhewed from Cham to Chencres, nowit Pfal.78,51; followeth to thew. Egypt is called in 105.23. the Sctipture the land of Ham. That this name is not giuen to it, beca to6.a,, Pofterity of Cham did reigne ufe the there,but forthat himfelf did firft plant it, Wwemaygather y many circumftances.FofI thin kit is no Wher e found, that the Countries ofci/ Put, or Canaan,as well as Egypt,were call h, ed the Land of Diod. Sight. Ham. Further, it is found in elfe the eldeft fonne ofChamfaying , Mihi pater) Jurior : al{c0, Sum Saturni filius antiquior, Leven Senerofo ortum : which mutt neéd ex pulebr06 es be vndetitood of Cham : for this Saturnes Egyptias was Cham:as it is Diodorus Siculus,that Ofiris calleth himf Séturnws decorum omninm faid that onthe wascalled Saruraus cAgyptins. monument ofWings was an inf{cription,wherein Cham Like &pt dothteftifie,that Him relided inwife the Temple ofHammon, not farre from'# thofe parts: And S. Aieremeix quaft e#s,faith,that the Egyptians them ionibus Tiebralfelues didin bis dayes call their Countrie Ham : as it foutre feuerall places in the Pfalmes Husfoting out OfPlutarch in Ofiri this Coutitri¢ is called the land 6fCham. And Ore dethat i tifices of the Eoyptians this Cout trie of Epyyt was called Chem ia.expoutids it for Cham ia,vtputo (faith he)a Chame filio,t0 which alfo he addethou Nus t ofIfdore, cZyyptum uf, odie Agypriorum Lingua Kamy) Voari: that Egypt-vnto this day in the tongue of the Egyp tians is called Kam. For sinning and continuanceof the beChams reig which T haue already sigen ; isit ftrange that the reigne ofC ne,the fame reafons may fuffice to be alleadged, me {pentin the y 5 .fitht Dyzaf fies:Neithet ham fhouldlat fo longas 161. Sem lined 600: Arphachf yceres : confidering that badand One Saltis created by Manetho, Shelah cach aboue 400. Bur ftrange it had beene, i had in thofelong-lined generations teigned there yeeres,and with Bean, Apachna, 1% Apochis, and othe fame' and glory ofOfiris, Oru rs of thefamebrood, obfc ured the s,and sCfoftrisReixece; hext,otherwifé called » Lulia of; ing to Di MON: Krentzhemius {33 iinth > ZL ew e Hebr bles tongue, Howfocuerit ® be,we knowtha t Mizraim the fonne of Lord ofEgypr, and Reineccius citi Cham, Ws4 ng goo d now called bythenaturals auth orit ie in this cafe .aff in their Owne language, Mez irme that Fey re. Neither doe th doubt whetherOfiris were the Ifee caule of fame with Mizraim. Itis mor e hec efl ary ,& hardto {he# manifeft ly,how long Mizrai m or Ofiristeigned, For whereas the no whereprecifely fet downe, yeere ofhis death's vainly faid by danius h \sBerofisswe muft befaineto follow Probabilities. That hee is00! ,.to hane begun his reigneat the bith ofAbraham,when the Dynaflie ofthe Thebei bega n,it appearcth,firft, by the authoritie of Enfebins: a auouchet? Cuar.2.§.5. ofthe Hiftorie ofthe World. auoucheth as much ; next by ‘Dioddewawho faith tation ofOfiris there,thatit might Re caufe oFtha thathe inhabited Thebes: vehich habi= fo farte.to Reineccius, who thinkes fhe Dynaflies t Dynafly,1 cat well beleeve yaflenting; were named onely,according tothe feuerall featés ofthe kings: .V. Ofthe time when Olicis reigne ended: and that lacob cameinto Feyptin the time ofOrus the Sonne ofOfiris. 190 He death of Offris, when it was 3 Hone can certainely affirme. The oncly con: iecture that I know is! made thus : Leba les Lybius, made warre in Maly, to reue bin the fonneofAizraimcalled' Hereynge his Fathers death 00 the affociates Typ bon,in the 4.1.yeare ofBalens King of of C4fpria: before which yeare heeh ad made man y great vvarres in Egypt, Phenicia, Phryo ta, Crete , Lybia, and Spaine: and hauine: ended his Egyptian vvarres,left the King following Bero/as. That Orus lat ofall dome to Orws. Thus farreBerg #501 Authors of 2/is, Diodorus Siculus plainely faith the gods(asthey were ttiledjheld the Kingdoine p,,. dh ; and Plutarch as much:; to yvhich all. Hiftories 3. gree. Krentzhemixs hereupon inferres, that fixe yeares may be allowedto thevy which' Hereu/es made in fo many Coun arre 7. 3 tries, after the Egyptian wartes were ended > 20 thouldithe death of Ofris haue bene the 34.0fBaleas,whenhimfelfe had gned yeares. sl thinke that Xrentzhemius wasa gteaterSchollerthan Souldier: For fure29% thofe days when commerce wasnot fuch lyin as now,butall Nauigation mad by coaftir a farre longer time would haue becne required, tothe fubduing offo many Coun An allowance ofmore time thoughit wouldalterhis computation, yet woul tties; dit yvelf agree withhis intent :-which was (dou btlefle)to findethetruth, Ifaccord ing tohisacz count the death of Ofiris had beenethe 34. 0f Baleas, then mutt Irael haue Com Egypt but feuen yeares beforethe deat e inte h Fyphor.-A thing not eafily beleeued.Foriof Ofiris :and ‘haue liued there in the reigne of t was the fame king who aduanced sofer him-fend:forhis Father, and gaue/himl eaueto goe into Ca#aax, tothe performa h,bade 30 his Fathers Funerall:.as may ¢afily nce of be gathered out ofthe booke of Genefis.. Wheteas therefore the reigne ofOfiris cannot be exte nded byany :poffible allowance in accot of times; beyond the feuenth yeare of int off 23.yeares from that number, whicd/raels comming into Feypt: we mutt needes cut h Kren tzbe mius coniectures his reigne to hatie continued. : namely feuen vvhich hee thou Spt nine in which Tofeph had there flouv ld haue lined after sacobs comming. into £2 uen in which Typhom and Hereuleshad ithed, ere his fathers comming :andother fe: reignedafter the death ofOfiris,yet befo aduancement. re lofephs Neither will this difagree withthe time ofHereu/es Lybius his wars.Forthe war Hercules made in/taly,is faid to haue which indu 40 Well giuenotonely fixe years,as Kren red 1o.yeats: After which proportion we may tzhemius doth, but 23.moreto fo many many and fo far diftant Countries;as warsin {o arenamed before:yea,by this proportion we attribute vnto Orus the 1 3«ycares may ;whichpafled betweene the time of Lofephs being fold Into Eeypr.vnto his aduancement, confidering that Putiphar who boug ht him, & whofe daughter he may feeme to haue marr Pharaoh 3athing notlikely to haue ied, continued all that while chiefe Steward vato been ,iffo violent alterations had hapnedth in Eeypt , as the tyrannous viur e whileft pation fome fragment ofaloft old Author,I of Typhow mutt ncedes have broughtin. Ifciting fhou ld confi dentl y fay,that Putiphar for his faith: fulneffe to Oras,the fonne ofOf iris, vvas by: him in the begi nning of his reigne made his chiefe Steward:'at whichtimeb uying 4ofep h, and finding hima iuft man, &on 50 der whofe hand all things evndid profper,herather committe 5 d his eftaté into Tofephsharids, than vnto anyofhis Zeyttian fo lowers(many ofwhom hehad found ¢ither fal hatred, Or Weak and voluckyin thet roublefome dayes of7 yanonyl know not what could be ob< lected againft this.Perhaps J migh t proceedf urther,and { ty, That when the g of Io. Seph pleafed baraobsand all his feru an then Patiphar Priest of On,being 0 Pharaoh.did acknowledgein chicfe Oflicer /o/eph,theancient eraces , & his inivrious impris fonment: wherup. n-hegauehim ghterto wifesand being old: rc of chiefe Stewardynto hin d his office 1 wdin regard ofPutiphar.did fauc W2en hee bought thelands rthe Priefts of albothe plians, This mi¢h tappeareto fomea tale a > Valike Sie ks |