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Show Thefirst Booke ofthe first part» Cuar.it$.as Beene tes Siarae withthe abufe ofthem, we.thall not only-condemne all honeft Trades and enterchange bu-: among2 men (forthere are that deceiue inall profeffions) a but we fhiall ina {hort time ae ry in forget fulneffe all excellent knowledgeandall learning; or obfcure &coucrit ouet which,fora{muchas the caufe is not ih our{elues, this place dehieth difpute: §. 1111. That Daniels mijlékiag Nabuchodonofors condemning ofthe Magicians,doth not inflifical a bb er 4¢ rance * i inguld fhew, teacheth Nwe Pliniestag} and (as witha moft{cornefulland beggarly ignorance: our felues sugratos erga cos,qui laborecurad, lucem nobis aperuerunt ixhacluce: Vathenkefull their practices. we[bouldfhewour[elues towards thoft,whe withpaines and care haue difcenered unto vs light Vt it may be obieéted,thatif fach Diuinations'as the Heathens commonlyvfed were to becondemnedin them, whotooke onthem very many & itrange Re. uelations;how cameitto paffe that Daniel both condemned the haftie fentence ofNabuchodonofor againft the Adagicians ofChaldea, and in'a fort forbadit ¢ efpecially peut.13. & .8, Confidering that firch kind of people God himfelf commandedto be flaine.Tot his,di-! uewitx, yers anfwers manybe giuen. Firft,it feemeth thatDanie/ had refpect to thofe Chaldeans, becaufe they acknowledged that the Dreame of the king,which himfelfha d could not be knowne to any mambyany Art either Naturall or Diabolicall: forgotten, For theres none other{aid the Chaldeans )that can declare it before the kingsexcept the Gods whofe dwil ting ts wot withflefh :and herein they confeffed the power ofthe EFuer-liuing God. Secondly, it may be conieCtured (and that vvith goodreafon) that amongfo many learned men,fome of themdid not exercife themfelucs in any enill or vnlawfull Arts, but were meerely Atagicians and Naturalifis : & therefore when the ki ng commanded to kill all, Daniel perfwaded the contrary,& called it a hafty ded with furie without examination. Andthat fome ofthofejudgement, which procee-"* ons were lawfull,it may be gathered by Daniels inftrution; mensftudies and profefli for himfelf had bin taught by them,and wascalled chiefe ofthe Inchanters': of which fome were termed SoothSyersothers Aftrologians others Chaldeans, others Magi or Wife-men: and therefore of diftiné profeffions. Thirdly, Danie/ mifliked and forbad the execution ofthat iudgement, becaufeit was voiuft. For howfoeucr thofe men might deferue were altogether guiltleffe.Bor it exceeded which the Diuell himfelfe could not know.humane powerto pierce the Kings thought,» So then in Daniels dif]ike,and hindering the executionoffentence ofdeath pron of ounced againft the Adagicians, there is no abloluteiuftifying of their practice and profe ffion. : The abufe ofthings which may befoundin §..V. all kinds, t not to condenine the right vfe ofthie Otwithftandingthis mixture cuer truth,of corruption with cleannefy whereofg00d with euil offalf-hood with leand purity; The good,Thet ~ 1 teineucry kind may well embraced': "As in the ancient ruth The pu. God bySacrifice,there was no man be hipping off knowing Godamong the Elders wort that therefore forbare to.offer Sacrificeto the God of all power, becanfe the Dine Baal Aftaroth, Chemoth, lupit llin the Image 0 er, Apolloand thelike was fo odored bg Neither did the abufe ofAi trologie terrifie Abrabans( r feesrts ciate =o ligi ifwe may Belecus the moft ous Biftoriansfrom obfe ate ruingthe motions and natu '€s; Neither can itdehort res of heauenlybowife and learned menin'thefe daye rertives infine vertues,influences,and incl s from attributing hole inclinatri inations to the Starres and otherligh ts of Héauen, whic God hath giuento thofehi s gloriouscreatures, TheSympathetical] and Antipathe are? "ale : tical] worki ng B ofHerbes ants, Stones, Minera» with their other vim v oft vertuess{cometi ,PI mes taughth ; : 7 his nifter s to harmefulland vncharittable Be y the Diutel,and applyed by his Mir¥* ee ae ends,Sy can Ce : neverteri§ errifiethe honeft &3 learnedod?/ feien ox Mazicien Ply fromthe viingofthemto the helpe & comfort of Mankind canthe illufious,w hereby the ; neither Divell betrayeth fuch men'as are fallen from God, max other men reiectthe obferuations of Dreames fo farre as witha cood Faithand aR ligious caution they may make vftofthem,' «" r Laftly, the prohibition to marke flying ; of Fowles, as fisnesiofgoodor ; euill asl fuccell ca hathno referenceat all tothe crying ofCrowes againft Raine, orto any oben not iuperititious,and whereof a reafon orcaufe maybe given. Forifweconfound / wi ‘ ‘ : 40 this liaht. ; . g Indeed notonly thefe naturall knowledgesare condemned by thofe that are ignorant; but the Mathematicks alfo and Profeflers thereof : though thofe that are excellently learned iudge ofit in this fort: Jafpeculo Mathematico verum ilhud,guodin omnifesbili gue Cueseneee Beak fedJulgida quadam propinquitate; Ta the Gla(fe of modd remotafimilitudine, © vitur,clucct..non > : z : 3 C (2 = the Mathematickes that. Truth doth{oinewhich is fought in eucry kinde of Knowle Age: not its an obfcuring G image, but ina ucere and manifest representation. S. eVils Of the diuers kindes of uniamfull Magicke. T is truethat there are manyArts, if we may.{0call them, whichare couered with the'name of Magicke : aud efteemed abufiuely to beeas branches of that Tree; on whoft root they neuer grew. Thefirftof thefe hath the name of Ne cromancyor Goetia : and ofthis again there are diuers kindes. ‘The one isan Tnuocation atthe gtaues of thedead, to whomthe Diuell himfelfe gines anfwerin ftead of thofe that feemeto appeare. ,Forcertaineitis, that the immortall.foules of men doenot inhabit the dutt and dead bodies, butthey giue motion and vnderftanding to the liuing : .deathi being nothing thingelfe but a feparation of the bodyand foule sand therforethe fouleis not to bee found in the Graues. vita. yoy pans ; A fecond practice of thofe punifhment for the practice of valawfull Arts (though not: vnlawfull according to the Law ofthat State) yet herein they ofthe Eliftorie of the World. Cuaring.6. that of Aifyages ofhis Dau ghter,and many others of ; like natu re. Of the reafonof all - men, who pay Tribute orare inleague withSatan, isthat of coniuring or ofrayfing vp Diuels,of whomthey hope to learne whatt heylift. Thefe ,.menate fo diftraét,as they beleeue that by terrible words they maketheDiuell totremble ; that being once impaledin a Circle(a Circle which cannot keep out a Moufe)they therein(as they fuppofe) infconce themfelues againft that great Monfter. Doubrleffe, theyforget that the Diuell is notterrified fromdoing ill andallthatis contrary to God and goodneffe, no,not by the fearefull wordof the Almighty: andthat heefearednot to offerto fit in Gods feate, that he madenio fcruple to tempt our Sauiour Chrift,whom himfelfe called rhe Sonne of God. So,forgetting thefe proudparts ofhis,an vnworthy wretch will yet refolue himfelf,that he can drawthe Diuell our of E Jell,and terrific him witha Phrafé: wherasin vetytruth, the obedience whichthe Diuels {eemeto vie,is but therebyto poffeffe themfelues of the bodies andfoules of thofe Which raife them Vp; as His Maieftie in his Booke aforenamedhath excellently taught: That.the Dinels obedience ee only, s/¢ fecundum quid, feilicet ex paclo ; re(pectine, that is, wpon barcaine. f 9 , Sunt inmunde i J : S 4 : ; gens I cannot tell what they.can doe yponthofeDigfimple and ignorant Diuels, which inha- potefiar bite Lemblicws imagination; but fure1 am thereft are apt enough to comevncalled: and onan alwaies attending the cogitations of their feruants and vaffals, do.no Way needany firch ¢ muider inforcement. ; sichees 4 © Beer BEtee Orit may be that thefe Coniurers deale altogether with Cardans mortall the opinion of Rabbi Auornathan and of Porphirius, who taught thatDiuels, fol- stavejaiibite thefe kinde difcernit 1 ab of Diuels lined not aboue a thoufand yeares : which Plutarch in his Treatife de Oraculo- impofiibili. 2 ; rut defects confirmeth making ¢ ample of the great god Pan. Forwereit true thar the ay if $ were in aweof wicked mien,or could be compelled by them,then would they al- sug.4 re thofe words andthreats, by whic h at othertimes they are willingly mattetlk r, the Familiar ofSimon A4agus when hee had lifted him y p inthe Ayre, caft him ut of his clawes, when he was fure hefhonld perith with thefall. If this perme by S. Peters Prayers (of which S.Peter no where vaunteth jy¢ tthe fame Eufeb bift.Beck, j;, other times y pon his owneaccord the Dipell played with Theodorus: who as S U 7 was fuppofed to haue been) had the famemortal] fall thar 516, 1€ The like fuecefle had Buds, a principall pillarofthe Manichzan Herefie,ag-soz ib.1 erates in his Ecclefiafticall Hiftory witneficth: 8¢ for amanifelt proofe hereof wefee it cucry |