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Show 150 The. frst Booke ofshepirst part Cuar.8.$.15.}6 fortheSpaniards themfelues (had itnot been¢ifor the plenty of goldin the Eaft See lndig Tlands,fatre aboue the mines ofany one placeof America) tafaile cucryyeare f romthe Welt.paitof America thither,and:thereto-haue fttongly planted, &inhabitedtherich- eft ofthofe ands: wherein they hauebuilea City called: Manilie. Salomon therefore needed notto. hanegonefarthernoffthan. Ophir in the Eatt, to hauefped worfe neither could he nauigate' fromthe Batt tothe Weft in thofe dayes, whereas he had no éoaft to haue guided him. sod | lye Toftatwsalfogathereth a fantafticall opinion out ofRabawws, who makes Ophirtobea Country, whbsMointaindect goldsare'kept by. Griffins: which Mountaines Solinu affirmeth to bees in Scythia Afiaties, in thefe-words : Nam cam auro > Lemmis affuant, Gripes tenent vniner{a, alitesferoci[simeeAvitmafpi cum his dimicant,crc. For whereas thefe ro Countries abound ingoldand richflones,the Griffins defend the one and the other : a kinde of Fowle theferceit ofalother swithowhich Griffins a Nation of people called warres Thele-Arima/piareifaid to hanebeene men with: one eyc.onely, CArimafpimake like vnto the cy. elopes OfSicilia: of which Cyclopes 5 Herodotus'and :Arifteus make mention : arid fo doth Flacens ib. Lucar in his thitd Booke:and Valerive Flaccws:8D:Siculas PiedSitullis codow, ‘But(for minéowne opinion) Lbeleeue noneof in the ftory-of Alexander Mathem. And forthefe Arimapis} takeit chat thisname fignifying Ove-eyed,-was firht gitien ther m byrea fon thatthey vied to, wearalvizzard ofdet ence,with one fightinthemiddleto both cies 3 Snort that they had bymatireany fuch defect. Bue Solinus-bortowethferue thefe things out ofP/i#),s9 whofpeakes offucha Nation in the extreame Northjava pl ace i called Gifolitron, orthe Cane.ofithe Northeaft winde.: Forthe teft,as all fables were commo nly grounded vpon fometruc ftoriesorother things done: fo might thefe tales oftheGriffins receiuethis Morall.: Thatifthofemen which fightagainft fo mary dangerous paffages forgold,ot other riches ofthis Wiorldshad their perfect fenfes ,and were not depriued ofhal fe theit eye-fight(at leaft ofthe eye ofright reafon & vnderftanding)they would content them{clues with a quiet and moderate eftate sand notfu bie& themfeltics to famine,corrupt aite,violent heate,and cold,andtoallforts ofmiferable befained inthis place, yeriffucha'tale were told-o difeafes:And thoughthis fable where wilde Beafts or Serpents deferid'Mountaines f fomeotherplaces ofthe World, therearein many places:ofthe world;cfpecially ofgold, it might bee auowed. For 3° in America,many high and im paflable Mountains whichare very rich & full of goldjinhabited ohel y with Tygres Lyons,and otherrauenous and cruel beafts : vnto which ifany man afcénd (excep thisftrength be very great) he fhall be fire toi finde sWhich the Arimafi make againftthe Griffins snot thatthe o that metfal Hed ; grow inraged and adwenturous,:En like fort it ma befaid th 2 i trans callth yp e Crecodyles) defendthofe Pearles w! muy tatete a hich oA a eu n ich lyej lye in the Lakes ofthe Inland: poore /ndéansare eaten vp by them fot , when t i though the Alegartos know notthe cat peathe ,tthey findef auonr; c n e the Jadians,whom they deuoure. »yetthey : tindefa flefhaa of749 uonr inthe nd bloud tall, bur ping:difquiere Cuarg.Ga, ralser PawiliesdhJoétan,tofill the Countties oftheir firft plantation; whichithe Seripture defines to haue beene from Meh vnto Sephar. And althoughiS. Hicrome take Adefo tobea Region ofthe Haft India,and Sephara Mountaine ofthe fame (which Mountain; Montanus would haueto be the Andes in Americaythofe fancies ate farre beyond my vnderftanding. For the word (£ai#)in the Scriptures,where:t hath referenceto Indea, is neverfarther extended than into. Perfia. But Mech isthat part of the Mountaineof Mafius inthe North of Ac/opotamia; out of which the Riuer Chaboras {pringeth which runneth by,¢harvan :andin the fame Region we alfo finde for Sephar Cremembred by Mofes, Sipphara by Prolomy, ftanding to the Eaft of the Mountaine Mafivs; from whenceJo¢éaz hauing many fonnes,fome of them might paffe'into Jediashearing ofthe om beauty and riches thereof, But this was in proceffé of time. ‘i Theotherfathion ofplanting Iynderftand not, being grounded bit vpon inens imaginations,contrary to reafon and poffibility. And that this Mountaine in the Eaft was no farther offthan in thofe Regions before remembred,it appeareth by manyplaces of nas the Scripture where the fame phrafe is vfed: asin Numbers 232 Balac the King of Moab ; bath brought mefrom Aram,out ofthe Monntaineofthe Eat ; which was from the Eaft part of Me/opotamia.For Balac brought Balaam outof Mefoporamiawitneflethis place of aueen Deuteronomie: ) Becan/ethey hyred Balaamshe fowne ofBeor, ofPethor in Aram Waban raijm., tocurfethee :for Aram Naharagm was Syria flusiorum, which is Mefopotamiasas aforefaid eb of the World aftetthe floud doth beftagree (as tome it feems) with all the places of Scripture compared togethers: And thefe bethe reports of Reafon and probable coniecture;the Guides which Ihaue followed herein,and whichI haue chofen to goeafter;making no valuation ofthe opinions ofmen; conducted by theit owne fan~ cies; be they ancient ormoderne., Neither hane I any end herein, priate, or publike, other than the difcouery oftruth.Forasthe partiality ofman to himfelfe hathdifguifed allthings : othe factious andhirelingHiftorians of all Ages (efpecially. ofthefe latter times) hmie by their many Volumesof vntrue reports left Hower without a Monument; and Vertue without Memory: and(inftead thereof) hate erected Statues and Tropheis 30 to thofe, whom the darkeft forgetfulneffe ought to haue buryed, and ‘couered ouerfot evermore. And although the length and difloluing Nature of Time > hath worne out or changed the Names and Memory of the. Worlds firt planters. after the floud(I mean the greateft numberand moft part ofthem) yer. all the foot-fteps of Antiquity \(as' appeares by that which hath beene{poken)are nat quite worne out nor ouer-growne:for Babylon hathto this day the found of Babe/ ; Phanicia hath Zidon , to which City theeldeft Son of Canaan gaue name; fo hath cieia,7. harfis ; and the Armenians, Medes, Hibe= vians,Cappadocians Phryeians the Syriansidumeans, Libyans, Moores,and otherNations; haue preferuedfrom the death offorgetfulneffe fomefignes of their firft Founders and true Parents. Cuar. 1X. dis rSamts. ate the Ef} Indies : and ofMefh a and Seordering ofth touching theplantation ofthe worled,Famil;#61 f I Loti : wil di an saith 4 Conc; lufion of ‘this this dife oufer OF Hawilabthe fonne of Joll an, * Opinionis,that healfo inha bi Phir, pak intothe Hands adi oyning. Incant by Hawilah inthe Eat] ndia é Hauslah, which Pifon com paffeth, , w inerly proued by thi splaceofS cr is fe hie * .t ie br cprsee!t5e iat xiv ts before t x made War r :ini Faft 44,0 man hath fulpected, For atre ; Inohsetae three,Saba, Hawila -i oe‘enh paute ni~ Sareewhae y elues TWEENCilicie = Mefopo ‘apetam . is ; d into the Batt India, leaying the aa otner ofthe Hiforie oftheWorld, Ofthe beginning andeftablifhing of Gonernment. §. I. Ofthe proceeding from thefir/t Gouernment under the eldcft of Families ta Rega, and from Regall sbfolute,to Regall tempered with Lawes. = followeth nowto entreate how the World. began to recdiue x a Yj] T Rule and Gouernment, which(while it hadfearcity of People) ZS : ( : } a PT , A, = »t a ynder-went no other Dominion than Paternity and Elderthip: eh Hi, Forthe Fathers of Nations were then as Kings, anditheeldeft of SA Families as Princes. Hereof it came; thatthe word -(E/der) was -5 vied both for the Magiftrate,and for thofe of Age and oO) i y : the fame.bearing one ‘fignification almoft in all lan: = Sj cuages. Forinthe cleuenth of Newbers:God- commanded Mo. fes to gather together, gou of the Elders of thegpeople, and = Gouer- P0305 |