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Show 7 F aD PE we Lbevfirft Bookeof the frst part Cunard G tosh Cua §.10.4°2. of theHiftovie of the World. thefoune of Philip, iwenbyarth ofthe Exnd ofCethinr, 4nd lem Darius Ring of the Pie alfo founda creat'Gity in Thebaida, called Cheramiss (as ttivvere the City ofHam)iof re which natnie Heredorws alfo difcouets an Tland inthe fameRegion. But becaufe ChufBis treradin rus awd Meiles, Tofephes fers Céthineini the Mle of Cypraa, in which (faith hee) there neth the Citie Citivm, theCountrey of Zeno the Philofopher(Witnelfe Laertias. which the elder fonne of Ham, it agrecth vvith order to {peake firtt of hims Nowthough J terpe. haucalreadyin thedefcription of Paradife handled this queftion, and (I hope) proued that Chafb could not be e£thsopia: yet {eeing it commeth now tohisturneto fpeake for City Pintusvpon Exethiel affitmerh,that it ftood in Saint Averomes time. So it tray bee that all the Iflandsin aficient times by the Hebrewes vere called the [lands ofCethim: fenfe might Cyprus be fo calledalfo, & yet becaufe Tharjis was thevery next andin Port tothat cyprss, and directly ouetagainft it, it is alfovery probablethat cethim dwelt by his brother Tarfis-and finding that Ifland too ftreightfor his peopleafter they werein: creafed,& that the reft ofthe Coafts,both on affafideandGreéce wereinhabitedbyhis Father and Brothers,lie fenit Co/onies oucr the Agean Sea,and ihhabited Macedonia, Dodanim the fourth forne of Jana, and the yongueft Brother (bythe moft opinions) fate downeat Rhades,as ncere Cethim, Thgrfis, and Elia, as hee could. For Dedanim and Rhodanim are vfed indifferently by many Tranflatérs : the Hebrew/ D)and the Hebrew (R)are fo like,as the one mayeafily be takenforthe Other,as all Hebricians affirm.There is alfo found in Epzrws the City of Dedona,in the Prouince of Molofsia, And as Cethim, vvhenhe wanted foyle in Cyprus : {0 Dedatim(feated ina farleffe Ifland)did ofneceffy fend his people farther off; and keeping alongftthe Ceaft , and finding Peloponne/as in himfelfe, Lwilladdefomefarther proofe to the former. For, thé manifeftation hereof fers manythings ftraight, which had otherwife very crooked conftinctions, and: fenfes leffe interpretations. Surely,how{oeuerthe Septuagint anid 2ofephus hatte Herein failed; that Chafh could not be e£thiepia, but Arabia +(to wit) boththat iofephusveas grofly miftaken,orvainelyled by his owne inuention. For Zofepbus prefs. ing that Chafb was e&thiopiz,andtherefore thatthe Wife of Mo/és(which in Scripture, the poffeffion ofEli/a, he paffed alittle fiirther onthe Wétward,andplanted in Epirus, And though the City-of Dodona,wasXot then byilt,or (perchance)not fo ancient as Do. danimbinilelfe, yet his Pofterity might give ithat namein the memory of theirfirly parerit,as it hapned all the World ouer. ‘For names'were ginento Cities, Mountaines, Rivers,and Prouinces,after the names ofNoahs children and grand-children. not inall places by theinfelues,but by their fucceffors many yeares after: euery oftheir Families being defirouste retainamong them by thofe memories, out of what branch themfelues weretaken, and grafted elfewhere. And becaufegreat Kingdomes wereoften by new Conquerers newly named, and the greateft Cities often fired and demolifhed , there fore thofe that hopedbetter to perpetuate their memories,gaue their own names,or the names oftheir Anceftor's, to Mountaines and Rivets, asto things (after their indgements) freeft fromany alteration. = ‘ Thusthen did tewan {etrle himfelfe and his children, inthe edge and frontier of Afi! the leffe,towards the Sea-fhore: and-afterward in Greece,and the Iflands and neighbout Prouinces thertof, as lepherh their Father had done in the body ofthe leffer 4 fia tose: ther withJeans brethren ; Gomitr,Macog,Madai, Tubal Mefechyand a rn" 7 ee bout him. Avid inlike fort did Chufb (the fonne ofCham) people Bab the borders thereoftowards the Weft and South-weft : and «X. That the feat ofClu y ath the ¢ eldoft elds fon ofNarn 5 win : ji Arabi *rabta, wet in 4 athie j pj, Fables,énd ill Tranflations of Stripture. orounded on the salablecrteC og per : ofChuth. Hat Nam wa $ as Ff firange a re Lg Saree a inmerten Andknowing that Moles had not only wp-held and reflored rhefalling eflate of the Egyptians, bat had allo broucht the conguering Aethiopians tothe verybrinkeof [ubuerfion :thefe thines sworking in her thoughts, to pesher with her owneaffeclion, whic bh daily increafed, [bee made meanesto fe ! unto hin by oe of her trafliefl[eruants,to offer ber felfe unto him, andbecome Meson this Condition entertained, that {bee {boutdfirft deliver the City into his poffefiion, whereuntéfhe condefcending aud Motes hawing taken vath toperforme this cot» traci both the one and the other wereinitantly performed, his Wife Ww! 4% tok de hetale of lofephus. F is Tale(wherdof Mo/fes hath nova word) hath Jefephws fathioned, arid therein alfo Ad. pute againft vtterly m iftaken. himfelf nar ies tethzopia it felfe to } n f Ci } trabia. For Saba is riot in Acthiepia, but in 4rabiaj-as both.Straboand all other s,ancientand moderne,teach vs, gsthatthe Sabeans arevwarabiens and yfephus can perfwadevs, that the Queeneof S#b¢ which came ne of Salomon, were a Nezre, or Blacke-Adoores And = : soe the Father of the tures, as in the 105. PfalmeverfeEgyptians , it is made manifeft in manyScti 51. Then Uae L came tg Egyt, and J 4 firanger in the land of Ham - and in the 78:Pfa Ime, "Hee flew élthe fr i Feypt, cain the beginning of thei r Strength , in the Taberwacles ofHam. 7 f Portugal from Prefer wadethe Portugals that Salomon; yet it doth no where appeat ict hiopian King y would ba and of Ofes,erounded an the mifieking ig of of the bie feat of Arabia fora City of Acthiopia sas he intry-of| Atofes his Wife, vvhen (indeedé) Ps te of bis Armylay idlebecanfé the Enemy befieged, aurit not fally and come to handy frokes, there 30 happenedthis accident in the meanewhile, The Aethiopian King hada Daughter called 'Tharbis, who at fome'affaslt s gimen, bebeld the perfor of Motes, and withall admired bis valonr: Doi ch hes én werefotire : Benet: Chufh, Atizrsim,Phut, and Canaan, ieee eg OfTofephius bis Tale of anvathi Tum.12.ver.1.is called a woman of Cha/b)wasa womanoftheland of £ hiopia,fainett3]i 20 that Therbisthe Daughter ofthe Kingof Aethiopia,fell in loue with the perfon and fame ofMofes, while he befieged Saba her Fathers‘City ; and to the end, to obtaine Mofésfor her Husband, the practifed to betray both her Parents ,Country,andFriends, vyiththe Cityit felfe, and to deliuetit into Afofes hands. The Tale (ifit bee vvorth the reciting) lyeth thus inJofephus, After he hath deferibedthe ftrength ofthe ethiopian City Meroe, which hefaith at length Cambyfes called fo fromthe nameofhis Sifter, (the old name being Saba, he gocthon inthefe words: Hi cum Moles defidere exercitumotiofum egre ferret , hoite non audente manus conferere,tale quiddam accidit. Erat "&thiovum Reet filia womine Tharbis rei vvhichtale liath this fenfein Englith : when Mofes wasgrienedthat the ities sf‘Chnfp (all but Nimredwho held Babylonia it felfe) trauelled Southward in Arabia feels saeit Soutlte Wweltward into Arabia petres :the reft of his children holding the Regi Ne dio ningto Nemrod. Mizrzim the brother ofChajb im like manner his rother Camadn the Region of Paleftina adioyning.Th tooke the War of By Se = aes, sis cie tions in Ca#aan,of whoma BuO ll thofeerG EAN cotccchohe Nations. ? i ns Came. re> Which pune y were Fi ee afterward 4 entice Gnemiesh the Enemies f sandto thofe of the fons ofShem, which fpread themfelues towards the Weft,and the borders ofthe Mediterran Sea : ofwhich J thall feake h sedatter firft ofthe fons ofcham or Ham,which Bit arabia called Perrea, soand apart of Arabia the Happy and the Defart: which Regions Chufh andthe Chafites prefently planted, aftertheyleft Babylonia to Nimrod, wherein theyfirft fate down alrot gether. And there is nothing whichfo well cleefeth this Controuerfie,as the trite iritert pre tion ofthe place,Nwm.12.0.1. where Mo/es his Wife is called a Chafite ; together with fomeplaces which fpeake of Nabuchodonofors Conquefts. Forvvheteds Jo/ephus andthe Septuagint inthe place, Nam.12.v.1. as alfo elfewhere; vnderftand Chufh for v£thiopia, we mult gine credit to-tofes hitnfelfe herein sand then it vvill appedre that iad any 50n Dy that great 5 Prince fle ; which hadit beene Kine of Eevphinuaded Rebaam.and t Hiersfalem, his Salomon) whoioynedy pon Egypr;would both haneymidé and fucc y Roboam againtt leroboam, whto ribes to hisowne obedience, Neisherisit anything shape becn an Jrabjan,that che Scriptures teach v4 |