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Show ijicssaieenicsina - A tan a Thefirst Beoke of the firkt part Cuar.7.§610.4 12.13 196 Therie;though (indeed )Caucafin doth diuide both Colcbis,tberia and Albania fromSar, matia :for hee acknowledgeththat the.Riuer of Phafis rifeth in the fame Mountaine om thofe Hils which funder fi {pringeth Phafis that and Caaca/us, lleth himfelfca which Colchis from Jberia falling afterwardinto Ewxinus : which Riuer/it is manifeft)yceldeth it {elfc-to the Sea,two degrees to the North ofTrapezms ( now Trabe/uada ) howfocuer O asit doth firft appeare,that thereis no certaintie what Mountaine -¢rarat was Pe J for the Bookes of the Syéi/s fet it in Phrygia,and Bervfusin Armenia: andas forBero- cular places and regions. For thefé mountaines which finder Cilicia from the te® of Afia the leffe on the North fide', are called Tawrus, and thofe mountdines which part it from Comazena( aProuince of Syria ) are called Amanas :the mountains called Taurus running Eaft and Welt, as Zmaws'doth North and South. Though Taras the River ofExphrates forceth her paflage, leauing the name of Amsanwstothe motintaitis on her Weft-banke ; and' on her Eaft fidethe mountainesare fometimes knowne by the name oofTaurus, (as in Ptolomics three tables of Afi) and fometimes Wiphates 3 (as-in the fourth)retaining that vncertaine appellation fo k ing as they bound Armenia from Aée/o- potameiacandafter the Riuer of Tygré cutteth th m afunder, they then take the name of Niphates altogether, vneill they feparate A/fjria and Media 3 but then they call them: Secondly, that Barwas the higheft Hill, and therefore moft likely that the U¢rke felues Coatras, though betweenethe vppet andnether Medis,they doe not appeare, but altogether difcontinue. Forat Mazada in Adedia they are not found, but runne through the Eafterne Media by pieces: in the middle of which Region theycall themfelues O- groundedthereon,the affertion and {uppofition haue equall credit : forthere are many Hils which exceed all thofe of Armenia;and ifthey did not, yetit doth not follow(as is before written )that the Arke fhould fit onthe higheft. rontes, and towards the Eaft part Coramus ; out of theSoutherne part whereofthe Rinet Thirdly,it cannot ke proued thatthereis any fuch Hill in Armenia, or in rerum wte turaas Baris: for Baris ( {ayth Hierome ) fignifieth high Towres : and fo mayall high Hils be called indifferently,and therefore we may better giuethe name ofBaris tothe Hils of Camea/iss (out ofwhich Indes rifeth ) thanto anyHils of Armenia. For thofe of 0 Caucafus in the Eaft,are yndoubtedly the higheft of 4a. Fourthly,the Authours themfelues doe not agreein wlnat Region the Mountaines Gordie: ftand: forProlomie diftinguifheth the Mountains of Armenia fromthe Gordieas, and calleth thofe ofArmenia Mofchici and Paryardes, as aforefaid. Now Paryardesis {eated neere the middle ofArmenia,out ofwhich onthe Welt-fide rifeth Exphrates,and out ofthe Eaft-fide Araxis:and the Mountaines Mofchici ave thofe Hils whichdif-ioynt - SS ire ieapen Sg Be 30 in the Text :and that it is #0 Armenia to India,{bould heepe thefame name allalong : and euen in India be called Ararat, [Atiy.we mutt blow vp this Mountaine Ararat and carry it out of Armenia, orfind it elfe wherit fel for elfe we mutt digge it dow, e and in. a warmer Country, Cwithall ) fer.it Eaft from Shinaar sorelfe we aa Weapons ofour owne vaine imaginations, fhall wo und the Truthit felfe with the Therefore to make the miftaking open toeue ry eye, we muft vnderftand. that Ar rat (named by Mofes is not any one Hill, fo Phnicinhis' defcription o| Lyciales.¢.27. ofBagradusrifeth ; which dinideth the ancient Perfie from Caramania:and then continuing their courfeEaftward by the nameofCornus , they giue to the Parthians and 20 Hyreanians their proper Countries. This done,they change themfelues into the mountaines ofSeriphi, out of whichrifeth the Riuer Atargus, afterward yeelding her felfe ta Oxms (now Abia) sand drawing nowneete their wayes end 5 they firft make them- felues the South border of Baéria, and are then honoured withthe Title of Paropanifuss and laftly ofCaucafiz,euen where the famousR iuerofIndus, withhis principal compani- ons Hyda/pis and Zaredrus,{pring forth and take beginning. And here doe thefe Mountaines build themfelues exceeding high, to equall the ftrong Hils called swans ofScythia, which encounter each other in 35. 36. and 37. degrees ofLatitude, and in 140 ofLon- ColchisIberia,and Albania(now the Country ofthe Georgians ) from Armenia. marwaile that thefame Ledge ofHils running from : ofthe Fliftorie ofthe World. rus, Imaus, andCancafus : and they receiue other titles , as they fever and dinide parti. Jus authoritie,thofe men haue great want ofproofes that borrow fromthence. Tt. XIII. Ofthe contrary fituation ofArmenia,to theplace noted - ning all the{e Kingdomeseitheron the Northor South fide of them! For all theriountaines of Afa( both the leffe and the greater ) haue three generall names ; (towit )T22. Mercator bringit from Peryardes, EXD Ofdiners incongraities ifin this Storie wefbould take Ararat for Armenia. cease Caiar.7.§.10: 4 «al¥o called,no morethan an one Hill among 49 thofe Mounitaines whichdiuide stalie from France is called, thesdlpes ior any one a mongth 5 ofe which part.France f; Om Spaine ine}ist : 3 Rs 1la S thefe,b as sbut Pyrenian he ie ke Hils many of tians eing continua eat y ee eh one name in diuers Countries: fo all that long Ledge of Mout oe ic xinneciierk pone name Taurus, eatras, Coronus,Sariphi, vntil they enconnter: and Ptolomie both Taurus, Niphates great erandcroffet ethe: Mountai.nes of the gt¢: Imaus, areofoneg enerall name, and-are call "d as 3 alled the Mountain riosenib, becaufe from\ thence thenc oror thereabout t hey feeme toarife, So al esof Araratainesor A Hj' cania, Armenia, Coraxts, Cafpij, Mofch ici, Amaxonici Sct yeah Tabsalder called by Plinie and others ) Prolomie cals by one name Cancdfuas ing betweenethe Seas Cafpinrwand Euxinus : asall thofe Mount es whichcut-afi ae pe euen sé from the new Kingdomeof. ae dndes.And as the gitude : ofthe which the Weft parts are nowcalled Delanguer , and the reft Napracots and thefe Mountainesin this place onely are properly called Caucafi (faith Prolomeze ) prot. tab. Ape that is, betweene Paropani/us and Imaus': and improperly , betweene the two: Seas of 30 C4/pium and Pontus, Tec herr Ofthe beft Vine naturally crowing on the Southfide ofthe Mountaines Cancafia nd toward the Eaft Indies : ana ofother excellencies ofthefoile, ar in this part of the Worldit is, whee thie Mountaineand Rinermse s, ahd the Mountaine Wy/eus (fo called of Bacchus Nifews or Noah ) ate found :and onthefe higheft Mountains ofthatpart ofthe world did Goropius Betans conceiue thatthe Arke of Noah grounded after the Floud : ofall his conie@ures the moft probable,and bybeft 46 teafon approued. Inhis Zedo/éythia hehath many good Arguments , though mixt with otherfant afticall opinions ofthis fubiedt.Andas the fame Becanus alfo noteth ; thatas in this part ofthe world are foundthe beft Vines:fo it is as true,that ifthe fame Line, & iN 34+ 35«& 36. degrees of Septentrionall Latitude,arethemoft delicate Wines ofthe World, namely, in /edea, Candia, andother parts ofGreece:andli kewifein this Région of Margiane :and ynderthefe Mountaines Strabo atirmeth,thart the nioft excellent' Vines ofthe World are found; the clufters ofGrapes containing two Cubits ofleneth?&it is the more probable 5 becaufe this place agreeth in Climate with that pait ofPaleflina, wherethe fearchersofthe land,by Mo/es directid,found bunches ofequalbignesatE/to/.., Thefruitfulneffe ofthis place(to wit)onthe South bottomeofthefe Hils, Curtinswit+ 50 neffeth. For in Margiana neere the Mountaines of Meros did Alexamder featt himfelFe & his Armie ten daies together, finding the moft delicate Wine ofalfot her, perGincaetenes rasyand Atofes the hils of Ararat Therea is , mie' din Tt. XV: The conclufion, with a bricft repeating ofdiners chiefePots» calleth thefe formerhils 74" fon of. feuerall na Mes giuen i by Prolomie.ie, Was; on moe es e Regio and tamic, en Kinigdothes thefegrctt dtoditi and nguith diffeuerthe38Sgreat Arment a, ns Mefopo Afriawhich , Media, Sajiaeh >" arihias Carama nia, Aria, Margiana, Bactria, Segdians, anchparepanifs: ha- 5 : wing FA Nd therefore to conclude this opinion ofArarat ivis truce, that thofe Monntaines doc alfotrauerfe Armenia: yea, and "Armenia ic {elfe fometime is knowne bythe > name |