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Show - _Thefirft Booke of the firkt part Hab.comiac2 aes, Cuar.6.§5 it felfe Bor although thereby the Ethuicks would vadet ftand Tuftice to haue yet as iti Jed, as it is a vertue abftrat, andmaybee confidered without a perfon , of met perions the by Vices and Vertues defcribe to Poets ancient viuall among the and women , as Defire by Cupid, Valour by Mars, Beautie or Luft by they alfo the perfons of Men bylike Vertues and Vices: and thet fore by Iuftice and thefonne ofSaturne and Ops.The name deritied from the ‘Latine is taken of Tuwans Pas rer,fromthe Greeke word Zems;it fignifieth life, but fomewhat ftrayned, .Beceasin. his Genealogie of the gods,conceiueth,that his name was borrowedfrom/wpiter the Pla. fiet-but whether that ftarre had fuch aname,before the fame was giuen to men, Lknow that of Wosh was by ‘A4o/es: for. Noah was faidtobeaiuftman, 4zd Noa wal. louing, andfaithfull,(thatis ) giuing thefe inclinations., And therefore thofeancient feene sfor God tooke him away. uer they were,or were not with thofe vertues enriched,yet, by imitation, all Kings, in riot. Zicpiten is hot and moift,temperate,modeft,honeft, aduenturous,liberal, mercifull Gems.3269% 264 wiph God. And of Enoch itis written, That hee walked with Ged, and hee was no mort Kingsbeautified with thefe conditions,might becalled thereafter Jupiter; but howfoe- rothe eldeft times affumed thofe Titles and Sir-names: great Princes affeGing as high Fromthis ftorie alfo ofthe firtt Age, and from that part where A4o/és remem breththe Giants begottenby the fonnes ofgood men vponthe daughters the Titles ofhonourand reputation in the world, (howfocuer deferued)as the worthyeft, wic- that euer were,acquired bytheir well deferuings. lowes omnes Reges vocarumt antiqui; The Ancients called all Kings Iupiters, a Txetzes in his Varia hifforia confirmeth: Reoes olim loves vocarunt omnes ; In old times all Nations: called their Kings Inpiters. ked (whom Mo/es calleth mightiemen, and men of renowne ) did they fteale tho! i wondrous great acts oftheir ancient Kings , afd powerfull Giants ; and agai! warre vadertaken againft the gods, from the building of the Towerof Babel byth But wherethis laft and moft remembred /wpiter was borne,it is vncertaine. Some there are that make him of Crete: others, that hee was but fent thither by his mother Ops or Wancoml.x4,2 Ldetivitpg. Giant Némrod, as Saint dugafline termeth him. Whichwarreof their Giants,¢ ; nelins Seuerusthus defcribeth : Opis,tobe foftered and hidden from the furie of Titan his vnele: becaufeit was condi- Piitcatre'( ncfas') itt debvadey mendes tioned betweene Saturne and Titam,that Saturne being a younger brothet,and reigning (for his ownelife) by Titans permiffion, hee fhould put todeathall his male children, 20 Jeft the Titans mightbe interrupted by any ofthem in their fucceffion ; which agree- Sydera', taptinig toy 13 bramsfenre Gisalh Vnisthlions', OF GLP lexes ixepouere tly 3 Y RES 57m) ; ment,becaufe Saturne performedin his firft borne, it is fayned that Saturne deuoured The Giarits did aduancetheir wicked hand Againft the Starres, to thruftthemheadlong downe Androbbing /ove ofhis Imperiall Crowne, - : Onconquered Heauensto lay their proudcommand. his ownechildren.Hereof Lycephron,thus turned into Latine; Hand fit pinzuior, Saturneto be the fatter, is not knowne, Cradisfepulchram quodfit ipfefilgs. \By being the graue and buriall of his owne, Wherebywas meantthat Wimrod purpofedtoraile the building of Babel to tht This compofition becweene Titan and Saturne, Sybilla alo witneffethin thefe; Couceptisverbis, T 11 AN turare coegit Sat VRNVM, 4efematum ne nutriat vllum, height, as God neither by drawing waters from the deepe nor by any "cc sniundion of the ftarres , fhould bury them vader the moyfture ofa fecond Ffoud "But th: t ei this ¢ vi@torious )they would haue giuen ithe . " I asta building (ig f theyy had beene herein uenit felfe. Alfo the making of leagues, peace and conenants among| $s fe and Kings confirmed by facrifice,whereof Virgil both inthe ef; sich and Save C4 pews sore sere was(as it {éémeth) borrowed from Mofes, Exod. 24. whowhet aa 4 Teee = people with bloud. Quopofsint regnare[ents postfata Nepotes. ! "ke eas 1€ paternall Anceftor of Henocha0 Neill: For ecboonbitsnhe the lame King of-Leypt , which reigned at fich time as Mafés pris, " carried thence the childrenof4/7221, (as oflate i men , miftaking ee hiseeum oar oe ome fom« rineand satus fuahaGidyaalhathicTo 0, : Seth: and of the fame Seth (as me apanen bf pooabindetesent a beat weret € Princes of Thrace , called Seathes, oteth cg Plut.inLfide, aniegarcetlond many very famous. But herein was the memorie of seth molt tidider. of the Edifovie ofthe Kaela. oy The third,of whom all the Grecian fables wére deuifed;was of Crete (now Candies) fay. Ajirea,, Exoch , theiuftice andpietie of Exech beingin the fame manner expreft4s Gen7. Caarois.s. ‘Things thus agreed: Titan made Saturne {weare No fonnetonourifh ; which by reigning might Véurp theright of Titans !awfull heire. But Opésthe motherofJupiter, being deliuered.at once bof ofJupiter and Inno,con- ueyed-Zapiter( firft called Lyfanias) into Crete,as fhee dida terwards his two brothers, Neptanéand Pluto: where he was brought vp in Gnofls,the chiefe Citie ofthat Iland Enfeb.inTevpi C. ing BEDI andnation ionthereof. : Bath a by the Caretas.2:people King,or byCreflathe Other challenge him to beof T hebes andaT hebane: ot nets call himan Arcadian; others «make him of Meffena. The like contentionis ound among the Greekes touching his education andfirft foftering.Some affirme,that he was fed by Hony-bees: rele angohthedsaesirenLied aeoe Seth, astheir moft ancient pt 4,oin recompence whereofhe changedtheir blackecoatsang skins aneyellow ; areward Setbeisied, Ve allo findein ivan var a a ‘Se they calleda princi pall Prouince Mhadacte: had tie' onrehe ques ye 2 Sethia, and others ofthe fame name eyptians did the Greciaas borrowthis kinde ot Theslicicchouelal 2 aueed o ney icorned to acknowledge any antiquitie preceding their ownt: auieaiie well fitting fuch agod:s others,that he was nonrifl cs a car reso ners,by Goates:and of all thefe the idle Greekes haue many pt ra toes Bi in * end when Titan had knowledge,that Saturne had broken his faith, he et on him, and tooke him & his wife prifoners; whom/«piter againerefcued and deliuered. rramesto theif -- learne ra£gyptians oethe. civciuaid,tee.which did toelfewhere theirs. , they gaue the fame Suturne being the leffe powerfull,fed into Italie,& left his Kingdomes in Greece to his fonne.And although this Princeat the firft purchafed great honour, and for hismany vertues the name ofJupiter was giuenhim; yet, after hee vvas oncefetled and became potent,he gaue himfelfe ouer wholly to palliardize and adulterie,without all refpect of } - §. V. Ofthe three chiefehly PiTER s; and thetrance Lori 50 Honour, Law, orReligion. Andit isreported by fuchas doe afcribe the actions of nee frorie ofthethird. ? B: ofall thofe armies ofIupiters remembred by the Ancients cicera maketh but il F : three, becaufe thofe were ofmoft fame: which other Writers hae alfo dott who fought out, and labouredin theirori The firft was Jupiter, thefonne of e4ther and ae But laftly, the father and the fonne equally ambitious, the one doubted the other. SI reference to hisceleftiall conditions (for ether Weee > becaufe the On " i many to one Jupiter,that not therewith fatisfied, hee was afterwards knownetooffend Satriaeelaeetee in the finne of Sodome with Ganimedes and others; and did not onely begin with introng nand all the beautifull women 9orn. e, Within the Aimits 0 5 ne Kingdomes, or bordering them. Among whomthefe hereafter written, were ofgrea. other difcouered his naturall vertues; which dayes and ti as hining or pure fire; ) i teh fame: Wiobe Ladetaia; and Alcmena, the wife of tisphitryon, by whome hée The fecond was faid to be the fonne of Celum or H former i ame forms F eauen Sritig : : was an Arcadian, Aame and King ofAthens, fpect ;: and this; mpiter fonnecalled Sa, ofwhomSanewa: Mouritaine: Taygetus tooke name, ‘with another by G2z ate the witneffes of mens actions, , 5 y a times make more perfect > a wThe Wes had icfSasa Migue,and Hereules by Taygete he had Taygetue; of whom the |