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Show The firft Booke of the firft part Cuap.6.§3 thatfrom the veliqnes ofaucitat Records among the Egyptians andothers, the fi-it Idols and Fables were inuented:and that the fir lye1tEx wasCain, VVLCAN,IVBALCAIN,Oc. §. Il. of Noan, were very ancient ; as im the Family That the corruptions them/elues and intheold Egyptians. Vt in fo great a confufion of. vanities,;where among the Heathens themf there isno agreement orcertainty, it were hardto find ot 5 Vithis defection andfalling away from God, which was and afterwards in Men (the onehauing erred but once , tl the beginnings of thefe inuentions. were borrowed, or after ternethey erectedtheir building, were itnot certdine, that the Eg a ere a fat uhanlcsaner was done tere areas ledge of the firft Age d of W nattoeses v _ee herein, partly fron xo ons vpon {toneor metall remaining after theI louc ; and Pp of Cham,who hadlearnt the fame of Cham, and Chamof his{ te oftheir ancient Kings, &date of times,cannot be fz F Eoyptians ey ft tf 1 ae ot eck, = other Nationsafter them hadby imitation their Jepiters a LLO,thelr Saturnes V wicanrs, Mercuries with the reft,which S. Augustine out of Varro; Ey chins out of many cerning mankinde ittooke fuch effect, that thereby(the lib afterwards ing with-drawne) ali the pofterity of ourfirft Parents were Hence it light. fpirituall of ina world, fuffering a perpetual Eclipfe céd plants of flich imperfeGtion and harmful qual ity,ast he water had « could not fo wath out or depure,but that the fame defection hath few fon mong the ctiena Yea, mankind, of nature and n generatio very the of children the as For poyfon. there were foutid {trong effects of the former the poffeffe Chamdid of fonnes the fo ; Noah h and See,Enoc of vertues the hetite ofthe fonnes ofCaiv, and of thofe wicked Giants of thefirft Age. Whence the phane Hiftories ; Cicero, Dioaorus Suulus, Arnobis,ar fonne ofAdam (as fome very learned men conceiue)calledandrep fire." Sothe Egyptians and Phoenicians didnot onelylearne to Jeane the truc God, bu ed, and vito created twelue{euerall gods, and diuine powers, whom they worthipp Herodin Ene many more haue ot to wit the Pheniciazs Phrygians, Cretians Greeks, and otner Nations; ye dans began foone after the floud toafcribe diuine powerand honourto the which was onely due to the Creatour. Firft, they worthipped the Sunne, and then terpes B Caar6.$.4.of cetheHiforieoftheWorld.- hy Ey vets . whomtheybuilt Altars and Temples. For Herodotus fhith , Duodecim Deerum nemins cofG, prime Aras, oh primes egyptios in vfs habniffe, atque Gracos ab illis cepiffe mutuatos, erexiffe ; The Egyptians (faith he) fir/t dewsfed the names of th magines, @ Temple Dijs fibs s Altar sweluegods, which the Greekes receiued from them, who firfi crecled umig shem{elue Images, and Teruplesfor thegods. z ancient inpiter sand Adamfox the firft Stature : for Jupiter was {ai the founding ofCities,and the firft Citie of the World was buil 2@ led. Enoch,of whom were the Hezochij before remembred.And fo muck redoutofPlata in Protagoras, whichallo Higinus in his 275. Chapter c¢ befides that many Cities were founded bydivers men; Tamen prim primo C antiquifsimolove edificatam: yet the firt and largeft was built by tl moft ancient IVP ITE n,featedin the Eaft parts,orin India,according to that of } And CAin dwelt towards the Eastfide ofEden, &c:where alfo the Henechij were foun after the Floud. And therfore was Jupiter by the Athenianscalled Polseus,a Founder of Cities,and Herceios, an incloferor ftrengthener of Cities; (fay Phorawtas and Pasfa-,, §. 111. That in proce(fe oftime thefe leffer erreurs drewan greater 24s appeareth in the groffe Superstitions ofthe Egyptians. Vt as men once fallenaway from vndoubtedtruth, doethen after wanderfor ty lermorein vices ynknowne,and daily trauailetowards their eternal! perdition: fo did thefe groffe and blinde Idolaters euery Age after other defcend lower and lower,and fhrinke andflide downwardsfrom the knowledgeof one true & very God; and did not therebyerre in worfhipping mortal! men onely, but they gaue diuine reuc retice,, and Had'thefate refpect to Beafts, Birds, Fithes; Fowles, Windes, Earth, We ter, Ayre, Fire, tothe Morning, to the Euening; to Plams, Trees and Rootes, to Pali Mat.Comls. CAp-7 ons and A ftections ofthe Minde,to Paleneffe, Sickneffe,Sorrowes, yea to the moftv worthy and bafeft ofallthefe. Which barbarousblafphemy, Rhedius Anaxandrides de fideth in this matiner: Bowens celis, ego Deis wsacto boucm. Carnes[uilas tu caues, at gandeo or Naamath,the fitter of Tubalcain,to fignifie Venufta,or beautifull,Vo/apeas orpleafure: as the wife of Vulcan is {aid to be Venas,the Ladie of pleafure and beautie. Andas \A= dam wasthe ancient and firft'Satarut,Caiz the eldeft Iupiter, Exa, Rhea, and Nomea or Edentemubi deprehende forse obfonintm ludsivd Iacrificeto God the Beefe, whichyouadore. ut vl broyle the Egyptian Eeles, which youras god)implore: Youfeare to cate the Aefhiof Swine,I finde it fweet. Naamath thefirft Venus :{o did the Fable of the dividing ofthe World betweene the three Brethren the Sonnes ofSzturne,arife from the true Storie of the diuiding of the Earth betweenethe three Brethren the Sonnes of Noah: fo alfo was the Fiction ofthofe Golden Aples kept by a Dragon,taken from the Serpent, which tempted Eveh; fo was 50 Paradifeit felfe tranfported out ofAfia into Africa,and made the Gardénofthe Hefpe- tosourvorthip Dogges, to beaté them I thinke meet. +: When they my ftore deuoure Andin this manner lay # Wat. tides:the prophecies,that Chriff fhould breake the Serpents head,& conquerthe power \Porrum autoxpe néfas violare autfrangeré morfies ofHell occafioned the Fables of Hercales killing the Serpent of He/perides,and defcen- i Ofanctasgentes, quibus but hafcuttur in bartis amin bes: 25 O} ding into Hellandcaptiuating Cerberus : {0 out ofthe taking vp ofHenoch by God,was borrowedthe conuerfion oftheir Herees(the inuentors of Religionjandfich Arts asthe te nid Pietra thinke it fifine toroot ¥pyr to bite Their Leckesor Onyotts,which they ferue with holy't O happy Nations, which oftheir owne {owing ite : Haueftore ofgodsin euery Garden growing! '30be gathered inthis his affirming,that {oone after mankind beganto increafe,they built $i) many Cities ; which,as his meaning,he deliuereth in.plaine termes, inhis third Booke of] fo faith,that Cities were built an exceeding {pace oftime before the defructionby the great Floud. Thisfirtt Iepiter of the Ethnickes was then the fame Cai#, the fonne ofAdam, who marrying his owne Sifter(as alfo Jupiter is {aid to haue done)inhabited the Eaft, where Stephanus de vrbibus placeth the Citie Hewechia. Andbefides this Citie of Hewoch, Philo Gengs6ari Iudexs conceiueththat Caiz built fixe others,as A4aich,lared, Tehe,lefea, Selet and Gebat : 2. E Us I know not. Nowas Caé# wasthe firtt Jupiter, and from whom but where F42/a had this c alfo the Ethnicks had the inuention of Sacrifice: fo were Zubal,Tubal and Tubalcain (in= 4euentors of Paftorage,Smiths-craft,and Mufick)the fame,which were called bythe-ancient prophane Writers,Mercurius,Valcas,and Apollo sand as there is a likelyhood of EFL. 4.0.270 name betweene T#balcain and Vuleaz :{0 doth Auguftime expound thename ofNocma Tu maxima Anguilla Deumputas sexo Hijs maximo :caxem colis,quem werbers , Wfoniornpecredidt fuauifsimum. nias } and that to /wpiter Herceios there were in very manyplaces Altars and Templesturz re erected. And that there were Cities{built before the Floud,?/ato alfo witneffeth, as n ayPas life of man had profit by ) into Starres and Heauenly Signes,and (withall) that leaning ofthe World,anda {cenfion of Affreazof which Ovid : Onid,Met.Ltg Vitimacelefumeerras Aftrea reliquit ; 1! gf?" fll Aftrzea laft ofheavenly WigRSoR Earth did leaue ; s For |