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Show orien Cuar.5.§u2 The firft Booke of the first part we callit in Ireland) vpon white meate,withouttilling ofthe ground, are calledby the Greekes,Nomadesand by the Latines Pastores vagisas the Northren Tartarians,the Ge. gn handrédiandfifty mile Baftward hee findeth another Nation ofthem about 1h tulians. and Numidiansin Africa, theancient Brittans, andthe Northren Irifh: yea, fuch were the Inhabitants of Italy it felfe, till fuchtimeas /ta/ws (who gaucthemthat name) taught them the Husbandry. oftillage,vfed at this day. But the Region Eaftward fromEdenis that part of Affyria, called by Ptolemy Calena,whichalfo mightbee deriued of Carena,the country of Cain.And that Cain inhabitedin thofe parts,it maybe gathered by the firft poffeffion of his Father Adam ; forthusitis written, Geme/.3. There fore the Lord Godfent himforthfromthe Garden of Edento till the Earth whence he waste Verfs3. x4 7 of the #ifloryof the World: ‘ Cuarst§.ze ken:and inthe Verfe following : Thus hee caff ont man', Crc.and at the Eaft fide of they Garden ofEden hee fet the Cherubins : which fheweth, that the entrie into Paradife was from the Eaft, by which entrance -4dam wascaft out,and therefore inhabiting on that fide of Paradife which was Eaftward,according tothe Text.Caimalfo in the fame Regi- on foughit his dwelling place.Now,ifthe word Ned or Naid doefignific profazus , that is,a fugitiue,we can giue no longer time to this vncertaine habitation ofCaéz,thantill he built the City of Enoch,the firft of the World, whichheeinclofed either,for his owne defence,or (as Lofephus writeth) to oppreffe others therby.So as for mine ownopinion, Tam refolued withthe Sepewagint.that Nod was the proper name of a Region; and for the word (Vagabond) which Gaia vfeth of himfelfe, it feemeth by the perclo ‘ec ofthe atid Albania: and beyond thefe heeagaine difcoucteth' athird Nadbh'yftoay wh as albchcra(hrooke bezimting;which inhabited on the Welt fide'of the Monataing 8p! rd-panifes.betweenetlicniand the greatRiuer of Oxiswhich borderéth Baariden the Northfide; and thefe Henochii are due Eaft fromthe Region'6fEden, and Ealtwacd lo Wo a from the-very Gardenitifelfe. And although wee cannorbee affured that thefe Hentochii tooke hate fron the the: moryof. the City of Enoch diredly 3» yet becaule they inhabited dae Eat from "Para: dife, andafterwatds fpred themf{elues Weltward Casall Weshs Sons did that'climeints ro Shinar) the<oniedture is farre more probable, than that of Avpids the Prier;- whe{cts Hendch in' Phoenicia; quite contrary to Mofes word » Phoenicia fori all pares'of Eden béingdiredly Wert. And béfidesthefe feveralkiNations of the Henochii, stephanus findeth a Region Called Stepherrh Henochia.g the famealfointhe Eaft;with divers Mountaines about PaGria and Soedine.Only the Grecians (according totheir fabulous inuentions of all »f the-iamec elfe) out of the word (Heniechi) which fignifieth Carts or Coach-men 5 MaKeyes. comesca ations to hanefprung from the Waggoners ofCastor and Pollux (to wit) Cadmelehthem phites and Telebius, who attendedthemin the enterprife of Jsfon into Colchis,. And ®cas though I.doenotdeny,but that Ja/on with other Greeks ranged the Goafts of Afia thesprab fame Verfe,that (Vagabond) is therein vnderftood forfuch an oneas trauailechin feare , ofreucngement : for whofocuerfindeth me faith Cain)foallflay mes ox elfe (Vagabond) is taken for aman without protection,and caft out from the fanour of God. $0 leffein arrepen Boat orkindoffinall Galley,*ofwhomI fhall fpeake in his ownetime: *1x the Rowers,being 5 4.therewas.tio place, andleffe vfeof Coach-horfes or Wagyoners, Andbecaufe thefe Henochians,fo called of the City ofHenoch,werethe firft fociety & ciuill affemblyofall other,it is likely thatthe fame ofthefe people(citherforcruelty, ftrength, or otheractions)liued inthe memory of Noah and his Sonnes; fo thatafter the Floud (asthere wereof all forts of natures, fome vertuoufly, fome im piouflydifpo- fed, and eueryaétine minde fetting before it whom tofollow orimitate) thofe people, which delighted in cruelty.and oppreffion,tooke on them their names whofe natures they moft likedandallowed ; ofwhom thefe Henochians were not rhe leaft. Perchance theplace it felfe where Henochftood beforethe Floud, andwhereofthe Monuments, might remain (as.thePillars or the foundation of Ioppe did) gaue occafionto the Plan.' ters of that place to call themfclues by thefamename : for of thofe Henochiansthert §.ILI. Of Moses his omitting [usdry things concerving Cains Generation, Vi.of the remembrance and teftimonits of thenameof the City of Henoch in prophane Story. thus mneli may fiffices;; Now it followeth to anfwer fome tew Obiedtions again certaine particulars inthe fourth. and fifth Chapter of again{t which.forthe firk iti8 detriandedyrhowit was poffible for Cain (hauing iftance than his Sonne Hamech)to performe fuch a'Work as. thebuilding of here is thereto required fo many hands,and fo greata maffe ofall forts were many Nations in the borders of Ponuus,& Colchis in Theria,Scediana, & Bactra; of the faine name many Mountains,as thofe whichare otherwife called Coraxici.And quia magnoorbe me fecing that it is hard to find ) out thetruth ofthefethings , whichthe moftaged Time Quo tise ali- h ic is anfwered, that we arefirft to confider, That of Caza (beit ofanimpious Race) Adofes yf{eth noampledeclaration; and fo ia bo. liuine Reafon,fe¢ing that he containeth the whole Story of the the leafaccolint, 1656. yeares, in fiue fhort' Chapters. Yet man borrowof his owne weakeft reafon, ‘That'feeing iw pleafed tatur, noua vi hath coueredouetor defacedjwe may (according to the counfell ofPlato) exceedingly ioyce,and therwithfattishe our {eluesif offo great and almoft worn-out Antiquity,! menta iaciun- roloyceand tut oua Genfs ee the eldett peoples names & nations,there remain any piint or foot-fteps to Poftenty. tiem (ext iniis noa" Pliny, P:Mela, Strabo, Valerius Flaccus, Lucan ; Stephanus , wee finde thofe He PRIMt pees * bes defcribed, ees diuerfly written ;as in Pliay, fometimes Heniochi,in Mele Enm'g Out) caad AlbiMb, iD Flaccns Heniocht,in Lucan Enochy, all which inhabit vponthe Sea Euxinus,but y# Sen bier bin funda- bus pvigvte hum RPI md. IL. 16 6. 9 rs e ae sale 3 ' . ~ . - 1 Ti For or Mofe ; laces where j Mofes, in all ; places = where hehe defcribeth ing pre any5 Region, was fo exceeding pt Cie,as fometime hevfeth the word Eaft or South without borrowingfs oraddition, Mel. rout, at2 atl a otra bé 180.01. a eh . times with a borrowing, as Eaftward or Southward, or towatds the Batt orSouth ‘ al Lu ml-gc.gg rt ACC prace of Genefis the eleuenth, hee writeth the word (Eaft) imply and-d And rh vment from the Eaft, they founds Plaineinthe Land of Shinar = but.i n this & Cara he addeth the word (towards)as as, in the Landof Nod towards the Eaft : fide of which may be taken, as incl ining Lome one point or twoecithertothe Nort South of the Eaft. ; 8 Bucas we may coniecture hat thefe Nations took name of Henochthe oroft oF ths ths Region ‘Legion wherei wher n it ftood, 00 whenthe faméawas repeop seopled led after the the probable that theleHenochy of Colchis,& otherparts adioinine were not name, after the Sons of Neah began tofillthe Wor noc Idagaine: beéauf beéaufe; e:]had this Het hea Cf : . tm {> the ] 7 7 Ca DY he firfeeencrations of mens lives fo long a méafure,as 60018 goo; fuchia face Cain had not want of leifare and mean$to build many fich e nene of thefeare on the Eaft-fide of Eden,or(according to Mofes words)Eaftwatd from Eden. :pacity anfwering to what other of the World foeuer for if 43715 life ile it, the Scripture aré{ ilent : as Of Whofe timies', atid the » Iflues Atofes had theleaft« are. And.as it was faid of Cain,that hé Built a'Ci{aid of Noah; that his three Sons -ynderftood peopledall the World, but in borh ,' the whichaduice fecing mofes victh where the rit the S¢ 4 : fromEden.ButasP/iny findeththeir habita +7 . : tion toward s Pontus. fo <é frerw2* onskI saftw 4ard, till:hee iliheetra cke+them ortrace tracke cet y their Neorigina tastell. Fé; them outite > ath, > af. 7 1,145 calleth thefe ofColchis (nowMenerelia) senni Heri160 2 1t0ct ; PtolomysZ ani; beyond W hee ecggoett eth ' riptures to reafonable men, wee alfo in all drt, Fait autempoft dic multo ports of like natufé: For theland Obsation of Cain; he {pake a fine dievum } ris) in procefle of time, # le that Cat N Drow bt an Ob ation. At is ir like terhet fortt » bee vndet ple were increafed, he built 2 1och, fo Of Salomon , that hee built ; ; ployed in thar 4lemon, that nce > Gity of Cain ftood inany any G ofathefe > parts, it: hadthen bin+ feated 9 North, & not Eat Salter mide it ac p/ Snider sais ard cond yet no man doubteth but that the Tale ofthe GoldenFleece was for the moft part Poe- sep we ticall ; and withall that'in fuch an open Boat, which could hardly carry their owne a er common with ou { x felue juile,when te : {. dthat Me/es nadnot iG : Adailed at not to be jngrualce dt, { to lay, cOman |