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Show The Preface. The Preface: and two Bastards, Loys and Catloman; they rebell againft their Brother , but the eldeft breakes his Neck,theyonguer15 flain by a wild Bore; the fon of Bauiere had the famesll deftiny,and brake his Neck by4fall aut ofa Windowin {porting with bis companions.Charles the grofle becomes Lord of all that the fonnes of Debonaire held in Germanie;wherewith not contented,be inuades Charles the fimple: but beingforfakenof his Nobilityofhis wife, andof biscunderftanding, of Gomes: Manriques, ‘Diego Péres, Alphonfo: Gomes;and the great (ommander of Caftile ; He made away the two Infants of Arragon his (ofen-ger- maus, bis brother Don Frederick; Don: lohnde la Cerde, Albuquergues, Nugnes.de Guzma, Cornel, Cabrera, Tenorio, Mendes de Toledo, Guttiere hisgreat Treafurer,o7 all bis Kindred.¢o a world ofothers.Neither did he fpare bis twoyongueft brotherssnnocent Princes: whom after he had kept in clofe he dies a diftraéted beggar. Charles the fim pless held in Wardfhip by Eudes Maiorofthe Pallace, then by Robert the Brother of Eudes: and laftly being taken by the Earle of Vermandois , hee is forced to dyein the prifonof Peron. foureteeneshe murdered them there.Nay,he‘feared not his Mother,norhis wife the ofthe twofonnes of this Loys,the one dies ofpoyfon, the other dies intheprifon of Orleans,after whom Hugh Capet,ofanother race,and aftraneer tothe French, makes bimfelfe King. = Deantobe killed ofpurpofe'to enioy their treafures:{o did he put to death Maho- Hif-of spabies met AbemAlhamar King ofBarbary, with 3°7.0fbis Nobility,tbatcame vnto bim forfuccour, withagreat/ummeofmoney,toleny (by bisfauour)[ome companies.offouldiers to retuynewithall.tea, he wouldnecdes \a/sif? the Hangman with Loyes the,fonneofCharles the fimple breakes bis Neck in chafing a Wolfe,and prifanfrom theer Cradles, till one ofthem had linedfixteeneyeares, and the other Lady BlanchofBoutbon.Laftly,as be canfed the Archbifhop ofTolédo,ex the Thefe miferable ends hadthe iffues ofDebonaite,who afterhe hadonce appar. "hiscownehandin the execution of the old King.in fo much as Pope Vrban decla- from their|houlders euery mandef}pifed them as miferable ex naked beggars.The red bim an enemy both to God and Man.But what was bis end?Hauing bene for = merly beaten outof bis Kingdome, and re-eftablifhed by the valour of the Englifh Nation; led by thefamous Duke of Lancafter: He was ftabbed'to death bp relled ininftice with authority ,bis fonnes and Jucceffors tooke cup the fafhion, and worethat Garment fo long without other prowifion , aswhen'tbe fame was torne wretched fucceffe they had, (faith a learned French-man) /hewes gue en cefte mortily a-voit plus du fait des hommes que deDicu,ondelaiuftice inthe death ofthat Prince,to wit,of Bernard thefon ofPepin, the : that ofChar lemaine,menhad more medling than either God, orlufticetrue heire had. But to come Erieeraanery neerer homesit is certaine that Francis the firft, One ofthe worthi= oft Kings (except for that fact) that ener the French-men had,did neuer-enioy tothe Larliament of Prouence,which poore people were ther- upon burnt and murdered; menwomen.and children, Ieis true that the [aid King Franci andg aue chay geto Henty hisfonne,to doe oe s repented bim/elfe-of the fatt, : * a inifticeb vponthe Murderers, threatning hisfonne withSG0 DS Midpre nes if he neglechedit, Bat this ynfeafonable care ofbis, GOD. was not pleafedto accept fon:paymene.\ Forafter Henrybimfelfe. sas lainein fport by Montgome4 AYO 4, * = ry, wee all may remember what became of his foure fonnes Henry, and Hercules.Of which although threeofthem Francis Cxals becam Ku "and cre married to beautifull and ve di dutiful and vertuousL adiesJet Were they, one eee! after another, caft ave we mel , without toc k orfeed.. preach of faith,withall rbeir Maffac . And notwith/tanding their fubtilty, and res vpon thofe ofthe religion,and gre at eff ion of bloud, the Giowne wasfet on his he ad:; whomthe : poms sales u r e d t the ProteSiants remaine m ove in ; piey ail sabaaered nu mber ta fis é than exe day ; more {trang citaeies than ene pi rv they wer 2 his r they had o Let vs now Jee ifGod-be not the o fame Godi nSpaine;as in England ¢ France. Towards§ whwham am wee we wwill look end frr ; they backe th tae wi refhi pechef whi Meici-eh PriRe nce, all theATyrant le : 9rants s ofSicil,our Richar roof d the Sptatlickaad d andah ee ickof Molcoitiaz the sioathir e ¢t oere butpetty ones-thi s Caftilian, of all of bi-outBlond snel Ants Oeene the milk mercilefe. For befades thofe Chiomber oe Sincho R etebich hécaufed to beflaine in his own e (Court " Alphonfo Dello, and Doniehoae Mafter.of Calatraua, Ruis Gonfales, thita " the{trees sen deny inghin béifiia A of Atr yin ago g him Chri nbur igl) -In, {Ay,who befiindeshee cut in peeces and caft thefe,and Hele Q hisyonguer Brotherthe Earle ofAftramaray who dispoffeft all bis*(vildrenof their inberitance, whichbutforthe Fathers iniuftice and cruelty,had nener bene indangerof any. [uch thing. Afhe canpayallel an)manwith thisKing,it muft be Duke Tohn of Burgoigne; who; after his traiterous murder of the Duke'of Orleans, caufed the Conftable of Armagnacyhe(hancellorofFrance,the Bifhops of Coftance,Bayeux,Eureux, Senlis;Saintes,and other religious and renerend Church.men, the Earle of gran Pré,HedtorofChartresjand(meffe 4) all the officers of tuftice, of the (hamber ofActompts,Treafury; and Requeft,(with fixteene hundred others to'accompany them) tobe{uddenly and violentlyflaine. Herebywhile ke bopedtogonerne , and to haue maftred France : He was fooneafterftrucken with an axe i the face,in thé-prefence ofthé Dauphin aud,without-any leifureto repent his mifdeeds»pre- French ite jnuents ~ fentlyflavitah e. p. Thiele were the Louers oftother mens miferies :and smiley in anno x43, found them out: Nowfor the Kings ofSpaine; whichlived both with Heriry the fenenth, Henty theeight; Queene Mary; and Queene Elizabeth ; Ferdinand of Arragoti wasthe firft and thefir/t that laid the foundationofthe prefent Autttian greats neffe.For'this King did not content veelfe to'hold Axragonby the -vfurpation of bis Auceftor;<x- to faften thereunto the Kinedomeof Caftile and Leon; which Habel bis wife held-by ftrong hand; andbi afsiftance, from her owne Neece the Daughter ofthe laft Henry : buomoft cruelly and craftily , without' all colour or pretenceofright, Hee alo caft.his owne Neece out ofthe Kingdome of Nauarré; andcontrary tofaith,and the promife tharhemade to veftore it, fortified the beft places andjo wasted the reSt,as there was nomeans leftfor any arity toinuadeit. This Kings]fay,char betrayedsalfo Ferdinand and Frederick Kings of Naples, Princes:of-hisowne bloudandby double alliance tyed conto him . fold themto the French; and 'withthefame Armyyfent for their /uccourvnder Gonfaluo, caft them out; andfhaved rhein Kinadome withthe French,whomafterwards he moft fhamefully betrayed. This wife and politique Kingwho fold Feanen and bis‘owne Flonour, to 7 ; B AS |