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Show The Preface. The Pichace. a inabled to recouer ber ancient honour and rights, and by it made more inuincible, than by allour former alliancespra Etices policies ex conquefts.It is true that here. of we do not-yetfinde theeffect.But hadthe'Duke of Parma intheyeare 1588, ioyned the army which he commanded, with that of Spaine, and landed it onthe South coaftier bad bis MaieSty atthefame time declared bimfelfe againft vsin the north:it is eafie to dinine whathad become ofthe liberty ofEngland, certainely we would then without murmur bane brought thisconion a farre greaterpraife than it bath fince coft os. Tt is true,that there was neuer any (omon weale or Knedon nithe worldwherein no manhad cauferolament. Kings line inthe world > not aboue it.They are not infinit toexamine enery mans cane, or torelieueenery mans wants , And yet in the latter, (though covhis ownepreindice) His Maieftie hath had more compajsion of other mens nece/Sitiesthan ofhis own (offers. Ofwhomit maybe[aid as ofSalomon Dedit Deus Salomonilatitudinem cordis:Which if other men do not vnderftand with Pineda,to be meant by Liberality ,butby La: Pi n.comment. 31 §al.1.K.4. titude ofknowledge;yer may it be betterfpoken of His Maiefty than of anie King that.enerEngland had , who as well in dinine,as humane conderftanding hath exceeded all.that fore-went bim, by many degrees. ra Icould fay muchmore of the Kings Maieftywithout Alatteries did Inotfeare the imputation ofpre/umption ex withallfuspeétthatitmight befall thefe papers he hadfhared his eftate, andginen them (rownes to weare,and Kingdomes to gonerne, during bis owne life.Yea his eldeftfon Lothaire (.for he had foure,three by hisfirft wife,ex one by hisfecond; to wit, Lothaire, Pepin, Loys,and Charles) madeit the caufe ofhis depofition,That he had vfed violence towards bis brothers and kinfmen', andthat he had fuffered his Nephew( whom he mgiht haue delinered) to be flaime,eo quod, faith the Text, fratribus, & propinguis violentiam intulerit,et nepotem{uum quem ipfe liberare poterat,interfici permiferit: Becaufe neufed violence to his Brothers and Kinfmen,& fuffered his Nehewto beflaine whomhe might haue deliuered. Yer did he thar whichfew Kings doe, namely repent himof his cruelty. For, among many other things , which he performed inthe Generall Affembly of ‘the States , it followes: Poft hac autem palamfe errafle confeflus; 8 imitatuss Pa/s.dhidens Imperatoris Theodofiiexermplum,poenitentiam {pontaneamfufcepit, tant. de his, quam qua in Bernardum proprium nepotem geflerat,After this hee did openly confeffe himfelfe to haue erred, 2nd following the example of the Emperour Theodofins, hee vnderwent voluntary penance,as well fot his other offences, as for chat which hehad doneagainft Bernard hisown Nephew. This he did; and it was praife-worthy. Butthe bloud thatis vaiuftly fpilt; telatommnPsohthbrcmmanenwe isnot againe gathered vp fromthe ground by repentance. ‘Thefe Medicines,miniftredico the dead,haue but dead rewards. This Kingjas Lhauefaid, hadfoure Sonnes.To Lothaire his elde/the ane the Kingdome of Italy; as Charlemaine, his father, had done to Pepin the fatherof Bernardwho was tofucceed him in the Empire.To Pepin the fecondfon he gaue the Kingdome ofAquitaine: toLoys, the Kingdome of Banier ;and toCharles, « turbulent paffages ofon fit Kings wat ieo i Newbb e P"1 di mer Newpbbour-Prinbriefe difccour[e) ces( inferted thisthis briefe purpofe IhaueThaueinferted for that purpofe ces(ofwhom with His Ma- France.But chisfecond wifeybeing a Mother+in-law to the reft, perfwaded Debonaire to caf? his fon Pepinout ofAquitain; rherby togreaten Charleswhich; after rhe death ofhis fonne Pepin, he profecutedto cffect,againft his Grand-child bearing the fame name.In the meane wile,being inuaded by his fon Loys'ofBaui= of on(though the loffe werelittle )as it did the Pittures of Queen Elizabeth, ee, 0 peor dll Artitts, in fetting out the beautie of , and weake writers,in defcribing the vertues of the internall ; doe oftenleaue to po(terity,ofwell formed faces'a deformed memory.and th oft atte and en ,4 = defe fine rebiefuneadih eee, rere needes no other difcourfe ; if the b ae liberal difpofition:1 fay that ifthe bone/? Rea‘sgh them tuftly, and with an enen hand : and withall butbeft med child on his true Parent; He[hall find, that there 4 caufe to complaine, as the Kine lnmfelfe hath of thetrumperies and ies No dej or oo ee «a eo 8agen oanibel JShoa findeAa GO Deana Sidetehen es a oc ohitets ~ va Andas ek him to punishthe v[urpation,ex » , ; Edward S a,intheir Cbildvenfiorm ofHen fivft,e ty o- of ourthird anyi rations: ggenee /0/o dealt dealt the He He with w i t h the fons t h e . of [ i Loyes i ibtecieee of'eee the great,or Charle maine. For cia ais ofPepin theaHffleaae outthe eies of Bernar d his Nephew, the fon a oy Chatlemaine,¢ heire of the'Empire eo then caufed 1 to die in prifon.as did our Henry toRobert his eldeft hele valsed nothinge e but murd ersayp4pon Foli murders, poyfoning, imprifonments, e> cinil l war; till rat famous Emperour was extinguifhed. And though Debonaire after heh id hy } ‘. Se ehincnas rs ( ne them withfuregard althe daies oftheir on wt = . srlsienbSeca . . . . S again/t him hihi oh } ee _ rimifelffecurefrows all oppofition:Yet God raifed vp binsprifone were aeupetbed not)bis ownfons,to vex him,toinuade bim,to take 1,7 toaepofe bim;his ownefonswith whom (tofati sfie their ambition) he whomhe had by a fecond wife called {udith', thexemainder of the Kingdomeof ex,he diesforgriefe. Debonaire dead,Loys ofBauier,¢> Charles afrerwards called the bald, their Nephew Pepin ofAquitaine , ioyne in league against the Emperour lox thaire their elde/t brother. Theyfight neere to Auxerre the moft blondy batratle that ever was ftroken in France:in which,the maruilous loffe ofNobility,<o men of war, caue courage to the Saracens to invadeItaly ;to the Hunnes to fall vpon Almaine.¢> the Danesto enter upon Normandy. Charles the bald dy treason feizeth vpon bis Nephew Pepin, kills him ina Cloyfter : Carlomanrebells:aagainst bis Father Charles the bald, the Father burns out the eies ofbis Son Carloman,Bauierintiades the Emperour Lothairehis brother, Lothaire quits the Empire ; Fieis affailed and wounded tothe heart by bis owne confcience, for his rebellion avain|t bis Father) and for bis other cruelties and dies in'a\Monafterys Charles the bald, the Vucle oppreffetls his: Nephewes the Sonnes of Lo- thaire ; bee vfurpeth the Empire to the preindice of Loyes .of Bauier his elder Brother , Bauiers ariniies.and his. Sonne Carlonian are beaten , hee dies a levy: his Phyfittan, of zviefe;e the Vfurper Charles is poyfoned by Zedechias bis Son Loys le Beque dies ofthefamedrinke, Beque had Charles ieee au |