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Show The Beaux Stratagem. 27 "Aim. And pray, Sir, what is your true Profefllon ? Gib. O, Sir, you muft excufe m e upon m y word, Sir, I don't think it fafe to tell you. Aim. Ha, ha, ha, upon m y word, I commend you. Enter Bonniface. Well, Mr. Bonniface, what's the News ? Bon. There's another Gentleman below, as the Saying is, that hearing you were but two, wou'd be glad to make the third Man, if you wou'd give him leave. Aim. What is he ? Bon. A Clergyman, as the Saying is. Aim. A Clergyman! is he really a Clergyman ? or, is it cnly his travelling N a m e , as m y Friend the Captain has it ? Bon. O , Sir, he's a Prieft, and Chaplain to the French Officers in Town. Aim. Is he a French-man ? Bon. Yes, Sir, born at Bruffels. Gib. A French-man, and a Prieft! I wo'n't be feen in his Company, Sir; I have a Value for m y Reputation, Sir. Aim. Nay, but Captain, fince we are by ourfelves C a n he fpeak Englifh, Landlord ? Bon. Very well, Sir ; you m a y know him, as the Saying is, to be a Foreigner by his Accent, and that's all. Aim. Then he has been in England before? Bon. Never, Sir; but he's a Mailer of Languages, as the Saying is; he talks Latin, it does m e good to hear him talk Latin. Aim. Then you underftand Latin, Mr. Bonniface f Bon. Not I, Sir, as the Saying is; but he talks it fo very raft that I'm fure it muft be good. Aim. Pray, defire him to walk up. Bon. Here he is, as the Saying is. Enter Foigard. Foig. Save you, Gentlemen's, both. Aim. A French-man ! Sir, your moft humble Servant. Foig. Och, dear Joy, I a m your moft faithful Shervant, and yours alfho. Gib. Doctor, you talk very good Englifh, but you have a mighty Twang of the Foreigner. Foig. M y Englifh is very vel for the vords, but w e Foreigners, you know, cannot bring our Tongues about the Pronunciation fo foon. Aim. A Foreigner! a down-right Teague, by this Light. [•4fide.'] Were you born in France, Doctor? |