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Show 53 Love and a Bottle. Club. Zauns, Sir! what d'ye mean, Sir? My Matter's as oood a M a n as you, Sir; Dern me, Sir. m Lov. Tell m e prefently where your Mafter is, Sirra, or I'll duft the cecret out of your Jacket. Club. Oh, Sir, your Name's Lovewell, Sir I Lov. W h a t then, Sir ? C M . W h y , then m y Mafter is where you are not, Sir. r M y Matter's in a fine Ladies Arms, and you are here, 1 take it. [.Shrugging. Lov. Has he got a Whore a Bed with him ? Club. He may be Father to the Son of a Whore by this time^ if your Mittrels Lucinda be one, Mr. Lyrick did his bus'nefs, and m y Mafter will do her bus'nefs, I warrant him, if o'th' right Shropfhire Breed, which I'm fure he is, for m y Mother nurs'd him on m y Milk. Lov. T w o Calves fuckl'd on the fame C o w Ha, ha, ha. Gramercy Poet; has he brought the Play to a Cataftrophe fo foon ? A rare Executioner, to clap him in the Female Pillory already! Ha, ha, ha. Club. Ay, Sir; and a Pillory that you wou'd give your Ears for; I warrant, you think m y Mafter's over Head and Ears in the Irifh Quagmire you wou'd have drown'd him in. But, Sir, w e have found the bottom on't. Lov. He may pafs over the Quagmire, Sirrah j for there were Stepping-ftones laid in his way. Club* He has got over dry-fhod, I'll allure you. Pray, Sir, did not you receive a Note from Lucinda, the true Lucink, to meet her at Ten in her Garden to Night ? - - W h y don't you laugh now ? Ha, ha, ha. Lov. Sdeath, Ralcal, W h a t Intelligence cou'd you have of that ? Club. Hold, Sir, I have more Intelligence. You threw Mr. Lyrick his Poem, in a hurry, in the Park, and juftled that fweet Letter out of your Pocket, Sir. This Letter fell into my Mafter's Hands,Sir, and difcover'd your Sham, Sir, your Trick, Sir. N o w , Sir, I think you're as deep in the M u d as he is in the Mire. Lov. Curs'd Misfortune! And where are they gone, Sir Quickly, the Truth, the whole Truth, Dog, or I'll fpit you like a Sparrow. Club. 1 defign to tell you, Sir. Mr. Lyrick, Sir, being Mafter's intimate Friend, or fo, upon a Bribe of a Hundred Pounds, or fo, has fided with him, taken him to Luanda's Garden forth. in yourN ftoewa,d ,S ainr,d It hheroep'es at hPea iPfooent, haansd barlolu,g hatnP dltfahyeo |