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Show Love and a Bottle. 43 Luc, Truly I don't know what to think on't: but I've fo good an Opinion of your Senfe; as to believe you wou'd not play the fool with a Child. Pin. We're all fubjecf to playing the fool, if you continue your Refolution in marrying of the firft M a n that asks you the Queftion. Luc. N o , m y Minds chang'd ; I'll never m'arry any M a n. Pin, I dare fwear, that Refolution breaks fooner than the •former. (Afide.) Ah, M a d a m , M a d a m ! if you never believe M a n again, you muft never be W o m a n again ,* for tho' :we are as cunning as Serpents, w e are naturally as flexible too. Speak ingenuoufly, M a d a m ; if M r. Lovewell ihoud, with an amorous Whine, and fuppliant Cringe, tell you a formal Story, contrary to what w e fufpecl, wou'd you not believe •him ? Luc. W h a t , believe his vain AfTertions, before the demonstration of m y Senfes! No, no ; m y Love's not fo blind. Did I not fee his Mifs and his Child ? Did I not behold him giving her Money ? Did I not hear him declare, he wou'd fettle her in a Lodging? Pin. But, M a d a m , upon ferious Reflexion, where's the great harm in all tnis ? Moft Ladies wou'd be over-joy'd at fuJi a Difcovery of their Lover's Ability. The Child feem'd a lufty •chopping Boy; and let m e tell you, M a d a m , it muft be a lufty chopping Boy that got it. Luc, Urge no farther in his Defence; he's a Villain, and Sfall Villains that I hate moft, an hypocritical one. The Ladies give him the Epithet of modeft, and the Gentlemen that ©ffober Lovewell. N o w methinks, fuch a piece of Debauchery fits fo awkwardly on a Perfon of his Character, that it addsanunfeemlinefsto the natural vilenefsot the Vice ; and he that dares be a Hypocrite in Religion, will certainly be one j n Lo v e # - _ Stay, is not that he ? (Pointing outwards. Pin. Yes, M a d a m ; I believe he's going to the Park. Luc. Call a couple of Chairs quickly ; w e 11 thither Mafqu d. This Day's Adventures argue fome intended Plot upon me, which I m a y countermine by only letting; a Face upon the matter. (Piits hcr MA^MS m For as Hypocrifte in Men can move, Here's the beft Hypocrite in Female Love. OSni nceev eMne nf cofraelsf ed Heefairgtnsi,n gt hHaeta wvee nf atlcfoik Faccaerse w;e ar. L^xit. E SCENE, |