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Show The Recruiting Officer. 25 Bull. Ay, you Soldiers fee very ftrange things; but pray, Sir, what is a Ravelin? Kite. W h y , 'tis like a modern minc'd Pye, but the Cruft is confounded hard, and the Plumbs are fome what hard of Di-geftion. Bull. Then your Palifado, pray what may he be ? Come, Ruofe, pray ha' done. Kite. Your Palifado is a pretty fort of Bodkin, about the thicknefs of m y Leg. Bull. That's a Fib, I believe. [Afide.'] Eh ! where's Ruofe i Ruofe ! Ruojel 'sflefh, where's Ruofe gone ? Kite. She's gone with the Captain. Bull. The Captain! Wauns, there's no preffing of W o m e n , fure. Kite. But there is, Sir. Bull. If the Captain fhou'd prefsJfro/},I fhou'd be ruin'd - Which way went fhe ? 01 die Devil take your Rablins and Palifadoes. [Exit. Kite. You fhall be better acquainted with them, honeft Bullock, or 1 fhall mifs of m y Aim. Enter Worthy. Wor. W h y , thou art the moft ufeful Fellow in Nature to your Captain; admirable in your way, I find. Kite. Yes, Sir, I underftand my bufinefs, I will lay it - You muft know, Sir, I was born a Gipfie, and bred among that Crew till I was ten Years old, there I learn'd Canting and Lying ; I was bought from m y Mother, Cleopatra, by a certain Nobleman for three Piftoles, w h o liking m y Beauty, made m e his Page ; there I learn'd Impudence and Pimping. I was turn'd off for wearing m y Lord's Linen, and drinking m y Lady's Ratafia; and turn'd Bailiff's Follower, there I learn'd Bullying and Swearing. I at laft got into the Army, and there I learn'd Whoring and Drinking So that if your Worfhip pleafes to caft UP the whole Sum, viz. Canting, Lying, Impudence, Pimping, Bullying, Swearing, Whoring. Drinking, and a Halbard, you will find the Sum Total amount to a Recruiting Serjeant, Wor. And pray, what induc'd you to turn Soldier ? Kite. Hunger and Ambition, the fears of Starving and hopes of a Truncheon, led me along to a Gentleman, with a fair Tongue, and fair Perriwig, who loaded m e with Promifes j but'egad, it was the lighteft Load that ever I felt in m y Life- He promis'd to advance me, and indeed he did fo to a Jpajret in the Savoy. I ask'd him why he put me in Prifbn |