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Show * * Love and a Bottle. Mock. By the Univerfe, I don't know; 'tis a Womani hand; fome Billet-deux, I fuppofe; it juftl'd outof Low> veil's Pocket. We'll to the next Light, and read it. \ (Exeunt. SCENE A dark Arbor in Lucinda.'/ Garden. Enter Roebuck Solus. Roeb. O h , h o w I reverence a Back-door half open, halt ihut! Tis the narrow Gate to the Lovers Paradice ; Cupid ilood Centry at the Entrance ; Love was the word, and h* let m e pafs-Now is m y Friend pleading for Life; he has a* puzzling Cafe to manage, ten to one he's nonfuited; I have^ gull'd htm fairly; Enter Lovewell. Lov. I've got in, thanks to m y Stars, or rather the Clouds, whofe Influence is m y beft Friend at prefent. N o w is Rot% "buck gazing, or rather groping about for a Fellow with a long Sword; and I know his fighting Humour will be as m a d to bebaulk'd by an Enemy, as by a Miftrefs. Roeb. Hark, hark! I hear a Voice; it muft be (he. j Lucinda I Lov. True to the touch, I find. Is it you, m y Dear? Roeb. Yes, m y Dear. Lov. Let m e embrace thee, m y Heart. Roeb. C o m e to m y A r m s - (Run into each others Amii Finding the Miflake, ft art Lov. 'Slife! a M a h ! Roeb. 'Sdeath! a Devil! And wert thou a Legion, here's a W a n d fhou'd conjure thee d o w n (Dram. Lov. W e fhould find whofe Charms is ftrongeft. (Dr«m. (They pufh by one another; Roebuck paffes out at pofite Door: And as Lovewell is paffing out the other fide of the Stage. Enter Leanthe. Lean. Mr. Roebuck! Sir! Mr. Roebuck ! (With a Night* Gown over his Cloaths> Lov. That's a Woman's Voice, I'll fwear.-Madam.- Lean. Sir. Lov. Come, m y dear Lucinda; I've ffaid a little too long ; but making an Apology n o w were only lengthning the Offence. Let's into the Arbor, and make up for the Moments mifpent. 5 Lean. |