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Show The Conftant Couple. y And Tobacco? Faugh I'my Confcience methought, Like Olivias Lover, he flunk of Thames-fireet. But n o w for Angelica, That's her N a m e : We'll to the Princefs's Chocolate Houfe, where you fhall write m y Pafport, Aloons. (Exeunt. SCENE, Lady LurewellV Lodgings. Lure well, and her Maid Parly. Lure. Parly, m y Pocket-Book - let me fee - Madrid, Venice, Paris, London. Ay, London I They may talk What they will of the hot Countries, but I find Love Moft fruitful under this Climate. In a Month's fpace, Have I gain'd - let m e fee, Imprimis, Colonel Standard. Par. A n d how will your Ladylhip manage him ? Lure. As all Soldiers fhou'd be manag'd, he fhall ferve me Till I gain m y Ends, then I disband him. Par. But he loves you, Madam. Lure. Therefore I fcorn him, I hate all that don't love me, A n d flight all that do: would his whole deluding Sex Admir'd me, thus wou'd I flight them all; m y Virgin and Unwary Innocence was wrong'd by faithlefs M a n, But n o w glance Eyes, plot Brain, diffemble Face, Lye Tongue, and be a fecond Eve to tempt, feduce, and D a m n the treacherous Kind.-Let me furvey m y Captives.- The Colonel leads the Van, next Mr. Viz,ard, he courts me Out of the Practice of Piety, therefore is a Hypocrite : Then Clincher he adores m e with Orangery, and is Confequently a Fool; then m y old Merchant, Alderman Smuggler, he's a Compound of both ; out of which Medly of Lovers, if I don't make good Diverfion What d'ye think, Parly? Par. I think, Madam, I'm like to be very virtuous in your Service, If you teach m e all thofe Tricks that you ufe to your Lovers. Lure. You're a Fool, Child ; obferve this, that tho' a W o m a n fwear, forfwear, lie, difTemble, backbite, be proud, vain, malitious, any thing, if fhe fecures the main chance, fhe's ftill vertuous; that's a Maxim. Par. I can't be perfuaded tho', Madam, but that you really lov'd Sir Harry Wildair in Paris. Lure. O f all the Lovers I ever had , he was m y greateft Plague, for I cou'd never make him uneafie ; I left him in-volv'd in a Duel upon m y Account; I long to know whether the Fop be kill'd or not. * Enter |