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Show *$ The Conftant Couple. ACT V. SCENE, Lady Darling'/ Houfe. Darling and Angelica. Var. "P\Aughter, fince you have to deal with a M a n of fo per - ^ culiar a Temper,you muft not think the general Arts of Love can fecure him ; you may therefore allow fuch a Courtier fome Encouragement extraordinary, without reproach to your Modefty. Ang. I a m fenfible, M a d a m , that a formal Nicety makes cur Modefty fit awkard, and appears rather a Chain to Enr .flave, than Bracelet to Adorn us; it fhou'd (how, when unmolefted, eafie and innocent as a Dove, but ftrong and vigorous as a Fanlcon, when affaulted. Dar. I'm afraid, Daughter, you miftake Sir Harry % Gaity for Difhonour. Ang. Tho'Modefty, M a d a m , may wink, it muft not deep, jvhen powerful Enemies are abroad.; 1 muft confefs, that pf all Men's, I wou'd not fee Sir Harry Wildair s Faults; nay, I cou'd wreft moft fufpicious Words a thoufand ways, to make them look like Honour. But, M a d a m , in fpightof Love I muft hate him, and curfe thofe Practices which taint our Nobility, and rob all vertuous W o m e n of the braveft Men. Dar. You muft certainly be miftaken, Angelica, for I'm £a-tisfi/ d Sir Harrys Defigns are only to court, and marry you. I Ang. His pretence, perhaps, was fuch ; but W o m e n now, 1'iWe Enemies, are attack'd; whether by Treachery, or fairly Conquer 'd, the Glory of Triumph is the fame. Pray, Madam, by what means were you made acquainted with his Defigns ? Par. Mean?, Child ! why, m y Coufin Vizard, who, I'm fure, is your fincere Friend, fent him. He brought me this Letter from ray Coufin.- (Gives her the Letter,which fhe opens. Ang. Ha! Vizard ! then I'm abus'd in earneft. - Wou'd Sit Harry, by his inftigation, fix a bafe Affront upon me? No, I can't fufpeft him >f fo ungenteel a Crime. This Letter fhall trace the Truth. • [Afide.] M y Sufpicions, Madam, are much clear'd; and I hope to fatisfie your Ladylhip in m y Management, when next I fee Sir Harry. Enter Servant. nlSdearivn. M a*•"d 'a m , « he•r e.' s. a • Gentl..e m. an below calls hiDmafre.l f |