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Show The Way to win him. 31 ACT IV. SCENE, Old Mirabel J Houfe. Enter Old Mirabel and Dugard. Dug.HT*H"E Lady Abbefs is m y Relation, and privy to the x Plot: Your Son has been these, but had no Admittance beyond the Privilege of the Grate, and there m y Sifter refus'd to fee him. He went off more nettled at I113 Re-pulfe, than I thought his Gayety cou'd admit. Old Ad. Ay, ay, this Nunnery will bring him about, I warrant ye. Enter Duretete. Dur. Here, where are ye all ? O! Mr. Mirabel, you have done fine things for your Pofterity And you, Mr. Dugarf may come to anfwer this I come to demand m y Friend at your hands; reftore him, Sir, or • (To Old Mir. Old M. Reftore him! W h y d'ye think I have got him in m y Trunk, or m y Pocke/ ? Dur. Sir, he's mad, and you're the Caufe on't. Old AI. That may be; for I was as mad as he when I begat him. Dug. Mad, Sir! What d'ye mean ? Dur. What do you mean, Sir, by fhutting up your Siller yonder, to talk like a Parrot thro' a Cage- -Or a Decoy- Duck; to draw others into the Snare? Your Son, Sir, becaufe fhe has deferted him, he has fcrfaken the World; and in three Words, has OldM. Hangd himfelf! Dur. The very fame ; turn'd Fryer. Old M. You lie, Sir, 'tis ten times worfe. Bob turn'd Fryer! Why fhou'd the Fellow fhave his foolifh Crown when the fame Razor m a y cut his Throat ? Dur. Jf you have any Command, or you any Intereft over him, lofe not a Minute ! He has thrown himfelf into the next Monaftery, and has order'd m e to pay off his Servants, and difcharge his Equipage. Old M. Let m e alone to ferret him out; I"ll facrifice the Abbot, if he receives him; I'll try whether the Spiritual or the Natural Father has the moft right to the Child. . But, dear Captain, what has he donRe w4i.t h his Eftate? Pop, |