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Show 4 The Twin-Rivals. Y. W. Becaufe he thinks it reafonable it fhou'd be fov Rich. But did your Actions ever exprefs any Malice to him? Y. W. Yes: I wou'd fain have kept him company; but being aware of m y kindnefs, he went abroad: He has travel'd thele five Years, and I a m told, is a grave, fober Fellow, and in danger of living a great while; all m y hope is, that when lie gets into his Honour and Eftate, the Nobility will foon kill him, by drinking him up to his Dignity. But Come, Frank 1 have but two Eye-fores in the World, a Brother before me^1 and a H u m p behind me, and thou art ftill laying 'um in my way: Let us afTume an Argument of lefs feverity. - Can'ft thou lend me a Brace of hundred Pounds ? Rich. What wou'd you do with 'um? Y.W. Do with 'um! There's a Queftion indeed; --." D o you think I wou'd eat 'um ? Rich. Yes, o' m y troth, wou'd you, and drink 'um together. Look'e, Mr. Wou'dbe, whilft you kept well with your Father , I cou'd have yentur'd to have lent you five Guinea's. But as the cafe ftands, I can afTure you, I have lately paid off m y Sifters Fortunes, and Y. W. Sir, this put-off looks like an Affront, when you know I don't ufe to take fuch things. Rich. Sir; your Demand is rather an Affront, when you know I don't ufe to give fuch things* Y. W. Sir, I'll pawn m y Honour. Rieh. That's Mortgag'd already for more than it is Worth; you had better pawn your Sword there, 'twill bring you forty Shillings. Y. W. 'Sdeath, Sir [Takes his Sword off the Table: Rich. Hold, Mr. Wou'dbee, - fuppofe I put an end to your Misfortunes all at once. Y.W. How, Sir? Rich. W h y , go to a Magiftrate, and fwear you wou'd have^ robb'd m e of T w o hundred Pounds. Look'e, Sir, you have been often told , that your Extravagance wou'd fome time or other be the ruin of you; and it will go a great way in your Indictment, to have turn'd the Pad upon your Friend. Y. W. ThisUfage is the height of Ingratitude from you, in whofe company I have ipent m y Fortune. Rich. I'm therefore a witnefs, that it was very ill fpent. *p W h y wou'd you keep company, be at equal expences with me that have fifty times your Eftate ? What was Gallantry in me, was Prodigality in you j mine was m y bHecaalutfhe |