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Show 54 The Recruiting Officer. ACT V. SCENE, Juftice Ballance'/ Houfe. Enter Ballance and Scale. Scale. T Say 'tis not to be born, Mr. Ballance. 1 BAII. Look'e, Mr. Scale, for m y own part I fhall be very tender in what regards the Officers of the Army, they expofe their Lives to fo many Dangers for us abroad, that w e may give them fome Grains of Allowance at home. Scale. Allowance ! This poor Girl's Father is m y Tenant; and, if I miftake not, her Mother nurft a Child for you Shall they debauch our Daughters to our Faces? Ball. Confider, Mr. Scale, that were it not for the Bravery of thefe Officers, w e fhou'd have French Dragoors among us, that wou'd leave us neither Liberty, Property, Wives, nor Daughters--Come, Mi.Scale, the Gentlemen are vigorous and warm, and may they continue fo; the fame Heat that ftirs them up to Love, fpurs them on to Battel: You never knew a great General in your Life, that did not love a Whore. This I only fpeak in reference to Captain Plume - for i he other Spark 1 know nothing of. Scale. Nor can I hear of any body that does Oh, here they come! Enter Silvia, Bullock, Rofe, Prifoners; Confiable and Mob. Con/}. May it pleafe your Worfhips, w e took them in the very Act, re infeEla, Sir The Gentleman, indeed, behav'd himfelf like a Gentleman ; for he drew his Sword and fwore, and afterwards laid it down and faid nothing. Ball. Give the Gentleman his Sword again Wait you without. (Exit Con/lable and Watch.) I'm forry, Sir, (To Silvia.) to know a Gentleman upon fuch Terms, that the Occafion of our meeting fhould prevent the Satisfaction of an Acquaintance. Sil. Sir, you need make no Apology for your Warrant, no more than I fhall do for m y Behaviour My Innocence is upon an equal foot with your Authority. Scale. Innocence! Have not you fedue'd that young Maid ? Sil. N o , Mr. Goofecap, fhe fedue'd me. Bull. So fhe did, 111 fwear--for (he propos'd MarrBiaalgle |