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Show The Twin-Rivals. 13 inade him a Giant, and he wars with Heaven like the Giants of old Gn. Then why will you admit his Vifits? Aur. I never did-1 But all the Servants are more his than our o w n : He has a Golden Key to every Door in the Houfe; befides, he makes m y Uncle believe that his Intentions are honourable; and indeed he has faid nothing yet to d;f-prove it But Coufin, do you fee who comes yonder, Aiding along the Mall ? Con. Captain Trueman, I proteft; the Campaign has im-prov'd him, he makes a very clean well fumilh'd Figure. Aur. Youthful, eafie, and good-natur'd, I cou'd wifh he wou'd know us. Con. Are you fure he's well-bred ? Aur. I tell you he's good-natur'd, and I take good Manners to be nothing but a natural Defire to be eafie and agreeable to whatever Converfation we fall into; and a Porter with this is mannerly in his way; and a Duke without it, has but the Breeding of a Dancing-Mafter. Con. I like him for his Affection to m y young Lord. Aur. A n d I like him for his Affection to m y young Perfon. Con. H o w , how, Coufin? You never told m e that. Aur. H o w fhou'd I ? He never told it me, but I have difcover'd it by a great many Signs and Tokens, that are better Security for his Heart than ten thoufand V o w s and Pro» mifes. Con. He's Richmore's Nephew.' Aur. Ah ! Wou'd he were his Heir too He's a pretty Fellow But then he's a Soldier, and muft fhare his time with his Miftrefs, Honour, in Flanders No, no, I'm rer folv'd againft a M a n that difappears all the Summer, like a W°°dcock. (As thefe words are fpoken, Trueman enters behind them, as paffing over the Stage. Tru. That's for me, whoever fpoke it. (The Ladies turn about.) Aurelia! (SurprWd. Con. What, Captain, you're afraid of everything but the Enemy. Tru. I have reafon, Ladies, to be moft apprehenfive where there is moft Danger: The Enemy is fatisfied with a Leg or an Arm, but here I'm in hazard of lofing m y Heart. Aur. None in the World, Sir, no body here defigns to at^ ftcalcTakrd uai.tr aB, ut fuppofe it be afTUa ul*te d, and taken alre<a?d*y*,» |