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Show The Twin-Rivals* 35 in me inftead of one; You fee I commit no Extravagance,' m y Grief is filent enough : M y Tears make no noife to difturb any body. I defire no Companion in m y Sorrows: leave m e to m y felf, and you comfort me. Aur. But, Coufin, have you no regard to your Reputation? this immoderate Concern for a young Fellow. What will the World fay ? You lament him like a Husband. Con. N o ; you miftake : I have no Rule nor Method for m y Grief; no P o m p of black and darkned Rooms; no formal Month for Vifits on my Bed. I a m content with the flight Mourning of a Broken-heart; and all m y Form is Tears. [Weeps.1 Enter Mandrake. Man* Madam Aurelia, Madam, don't difturb her. - Every thing muft have its vent. Tis a hard cafe to be crofs'd in one's firft Love: But you fhou'd confider, Madam, [To Con- . fiance.] that we are all born to die, fome young, fome old. Con. Better we all dy'd young, than be plagu'd with Age, as I am. I find other folks Year,s are as troublefome to us as our own. Man. You have reafon, you have caufe to mourn. He was the handfomeft M a n , and the fweeteft Babe, that I know ; tho' I muft confefs too, that Ben had much' the finer Completion when he was born: But then Hermes, O yes, Hermes had the Shape that he had. But of all the Infants that I ever beheld with m y Eyes, I think Ben had the fineft Ear, Wax-work, perfect Wax-work ; and then he did fo fputter at the Breaft! - His Nurfe was a hale, well-complection'd, fprightly Jade, as ever I faw; but her Milk was a little too ft ale; tho' at the fame time, 'twas as blue and clear as a Cambrick. Aur. D o you intend all this, Madam, for a Confolation to m y Coufin? Man. No, no, Madam, that's to come. I tell you, fair Lady, you have only loft the M a n ; the Eftate and Title are ftill your own ; and this very moment I wou'd falute you, Lady Wou'dbe, if you pleas'd. Con. Dear Madam, your Proprfal is very tempting: let me but confider till to morrow, and Til give you an Anfwer. Man. I knew it, I knew it; I faid, when you wereborn^ you wou'd be a Lady; I knew ir. To morrow, you fay. My Lord fhall know it immediately. [Exit. Aur. What d'ye intend to do, Coufin? Con. T o the Impert ignoen cinet oof t Choen Cdooulnetnrcye ,t htihse mPeormfeenctti,o nt oo bfe t hfartee M 2for5no -m |