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Show 52 The Twin-Rivals. Te. By eating, dear Joy, fen I can get it, and by fleeping fen I can get none. Tifh the Fafhion of Ireland. Sub. W h a t was your Mafter's N a m e , pray ? Te. [Afide.] I will tell a Lee n o w ; but it fhall be a true one.' Macfadin, dear Joy, was his N a a m . He vent over vith King Jamifh into France. He was m y Mafter once.- Dere ifh de true Lee; noo. (Afide. Sub. W h a t Employment had he? Te. Je ne fcaypas. Sub. What, can you fpeak French $ Te. Ouy Monfieur, 1 did travel France, and Spain, and Italy; Dear Joy, I did kifh the Pope's Toe, and dat will excufe m e all the Sins of m y Life; and fen I a m dead, St. Patrick will excufe the reft. Sub. A rare Fellow for m y purpofe. (Afide.) Thou look'ft like an honeft Fellow; and if you'll go with m e to the next Tavern, I'll give thee a Dinner, and a Glafs of Wine. } Te. Be me Shoul 'tis dat I wanted, dear Joy; come along, I will follow you. (Runs out before Subtleman with the Portmantel on his Bach Exit Subtleman. Enter Elder Wou'dbe. E. W. M y Father dead! M y Birth-right loft ! H o w have m y drowfie Stars flept o'er m y Fortune ? H a ! (Looking about.) m y Servant gone! The fimple, poor, ungrateful Wretch, has left me. 1 took him up from Poverty and W a n t ; and now he leaves m e juft as I found him. My Cloaths and Money too! But why fhould I repine ? Let M a n but view the Dangers he has part, and few will fear what Hazards are to come. That Providence that has fecur'd m y Life from Robbers, Shipwreck, and from Sicknefs, is ftill the fame; ftill kind whilft I a m juft. My Death, I find, is firmly believ'd; but how it gain'd fo univerfal Credit, I fain wou'd learn. Who comes here ? honeft Mr. Fairbank! M y Father's Goldfmith, a M a n of Subftance and Integrity. The Alteration of five Years Abfence, with the Report of my Death, may fhade me from his Knowledge, till I enquire fome News. (Enter Fairbank.) Sir, your humble Servant. Fair. Sir, I don't know you. (Shunning him. E. W. I intend you no harm, Sir; but feeing you come from m y Lord Wou'dbe s Houfe, I would ask you a Queftion or two. Pray what Diftemper did m y Lord die of? DeFaEat.ih Wr .l.a mAIe nnadtm e dpt r?oa ldy ,i tS iwra, sw haant Apdooepsl etxhye. W orld fay ? IFsa ihirs. |