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Show 46 Sir Harry Wildair 5 being Wild. Ay, ay; that was all. Til go fetch it. Stand. N o , Sir Harry, Til bring it out. (Goes into the Gofet. Wild. N o w have I told a matter of twenty Lies in a Breath. Stand. Sir Harry; is this the Moufe that you threw your Hat at ? (Staudard comes in With the Hat in one Hand, and howling in the Marquis with the other. Wild. I'm amaz'd! Mar. Pardie, I'm amaze too. Stand. Look ye, Monfieur Marquis^ as for your part, I fhall cut your Throat, Sir. Wild. Give m e leave, I muft cut his Throat firft. Mar. W a t ! Bote cut m y Troat! Begar, Meffiers, I have but one Troat. Enter Parley, and runs to Standard. Par. Sir, the Monfieur is innocent; he came upon another Defign. M y Lady begins to be penitent, and if you make any noife, 'twill fpoil all. Stand. Look ye, Gentlemen, I have too great a confidence in the Vertue of m y Wife, to think it in the power of you, or you, Sir, to wrong m y Honour : But I a m bound to guard her Reputation, lb that no attempts be made that may provoke a Scandal: Therefore, Gentlemen, let m e tell you, 'tis time to defift. (Exit. Wild.^ Ay, ay; fo 'tis faith. - Come, Monfieur, I muft-talk with you, Sir. (Exeunt. A C t |