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Show the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee. 47 Stand. Nay, but pray anfwer me directly; I beg it as a Favour. Wild. W h y then, Collonel, you muft know we were a pair of the moft happy, toying, foolilh People in the World, till fhe got, I don't know how, a Crotchet of Jealoufie in her Head. This made her frumpifh ; but we had ne'er an angry word : She only fell a crying over Night, and I went for Italy next Morning. But pray no more on't. Axe you hurt, Monfieur? Stand. But, Sir Harry, you'll be ferious when I tell you that her Ghoft appears. Wild. Her Ghoft! Ha, ha, ha. That's pleafant, Faith. Stand. As fure as Fate, it walks in m y Houfe. Wild. In your Houfe! Come along, Collonel. By the Lard I'll kifs it. (Exeunt Wild, and Stand. Mar. Monfieur le Capitain, Adieu. Fire. Adieu! No, Sir; you fhall follow Sir Harry, Adar. For wat ? Fire. For what! W h y , d'ye think I'm fuch a Rogue as to part a couple of Gentlemen when they're fighting, and not lee 'em make an end on't; I think it a lefs Sin to part M an and Wife. Come along, Sir. (Exit pulling Monfieur. SCENE, Standard'* Houfe. Enter Wildair and Standard. Wild. Well then ! This, it feems, is the inchanted Chamber. The Ghoft has pitch'd upon a handfome Apartment however. Well, Collonel, W h e n do you intend to begin ? , Stand. What, Sir? Wild. To laugh at m e ; I know you defign it. Stand. Ha! By all that's powerful there it is. Ghoft walks crofs the Stage. Wild. The Devil it is! Emh! Blood, I'll fpeak to't.- Vous, Mademoifelle Ghoft, park vous Francois* No! Hark ye, Mrs. Ghoft, will your Ladylhip be pleas'd to inform us who you are, that w e may pay you the Refpect due to your Quality. (Ghoft returns. Ghoft. I a m the Spirit of thy departed Wife. Wild. Are you, Faith? W h y then here's the Body of thy living Husband, and ftand me if you dare. (Runs to her and embraces her.) Ha! 'tis Subftance, I'm fure. But hold,, |