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Show The Beaux Stratagem. i <y Cher. A ftealing Look, a Hammering Tongue, Words improbable, Deligns hnpoflible, and Actions impracticable. Arch. That's m y good Child, kiis me. What muli a Lover do to obtain his Miftiefs ? Cher. He muft adore the Perfon that difdains him, he muft bribe tKe Chambermaid that betrays him, and court the Footm a n that laughs at him;- >He muft, he muft Arch. Nay, Child, I muft whip you if you don't mind your Leffon ; he muft treat his Cher. O , ay, he muft treat his Enemies with Refpect, his Friends with Indifference, and all the World with Contempt; he muft lurfer much, and fear more; he muft defire much, and hope little; in fhort, he muft embrace hisRuine, and threw himfelf away. Arch. Had ever M a n fo hopeful a Pupil as mine ? Come,1 m y Dear, why is Love cali'd a Riddle ? Cher. Becaufe being blind, he leads thofe that fee, and tho* a Child, he governs a Man. Arch. Mighty well! And why is Love pictured blind ? Cher. Becaufe the Painters out of the Weaknefs or Privilege of their Art chofe to hide thofe Eyes that they cou'd not draw. Arch. That's m y dear little Scholar, kifs m e again. ; And why fhou'd Love, that's a Child, govern a M a n ? Cher. Becaufe that a Child is the end of Love. Arch. And fo ends Love's Catechifm. And now, my Dear, we'll go in and make m y Mafter's Bed. Cher. Hold, hold, Mr. Martin, You have taken a great deal of pains to inftruct me, and what d'ye think I have learnt by it? Arch, What > Cher. That your Difcourfe and your Habit are Contradictions, and it wou'd be Nonfenfe in m e to believe you a Footman any longer. Arch. 'Oons, what a Witch it is! Cher. Depend upon this, Sir, nothing in this Garb fhall ever tempt me ; for tho' I was born to Servitude, I hate it i O w n your Condition, fwear you love m e , ancl then Arch. And then w e fhall go make the Bed, Cher. Yes. Arch. You muft know then, that I a m born a Gentleman* my Education was liberal; but I went to London a younger Brother, fell into the hands of9 Siha rpers,S wZhZo f.tr ipt m^eo onfe &m y |