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Show The Recruiting Officer. 2| ACT III. SCENE,We Marketplace. Enter Plume and Worthy. War. T Cannot forbear admiring the Equality of our two For- ••* tunes : W e lov'd two Ladies, they met us halfway, and juft as w e were upon the point of leaping into their Arms, Fortune drops into their Laps, Pride pofTefTes their Hearts, a Msggot fills their Heads, Madnefs takes 'em by the Tails; they fnort, kick up their heels, and away they run. Plume. A n d leave us here to mourn upon the Shore A couple of poor melancholy Monfters What fhall we do ? Wor. I have a trick for mine; the Letter, you know, and the Fortune-teller. Plume. And I have a trick for mine. Wor. W h a t is't ? Plume. I'll never think of her again. Wor. No! Plume. N o ; I think m y felf above adminifiring to the Pride of any W o m a n , were fhe worth Twelve thoufand a Year; and I ha'n't the Vanity to believe I fhall ever gain a Lady worth Twelve hundred The generous, good-natur'd Silvia, in her Smock, I admire ; but the haughty, fcornful Silvia, with her Fortune, I defpifc What, fneak out of Town, and not fomuch as a Word, a Line, a Complement'. • 'Sdeath! how far off does fhe live ? I'll go and break her Windows. Wor. Ha, ha, ha; ay, and the Window-Bars too to come at her • Come, come, Friend, no more of your rough Military Airs. Enter Kite. Kite. Captain, Sir! look yonder, fhe's a coming this way: 'tis the prettieft, cleaneft, little Tit! Plume. N o w , Worthy, to fhew you how much I a m in love; . here fhe comes; and what is that great Country-Fellow with her ? Kite. I can't tell, Sir. Enter Rofe, and her Brother Bullock, and Chickens on her Arms in a Basket, &c. Rofe. Buy Chickens, young^ and tender, young and tender Chickens. Plume, |