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Show cO Love and a Bottle. 2 Maf. Oh Heav'ns forbid 1 Such a young Man ? Roeb. That's, I'll do iioching without a Bribe. Viy, fyfadam, ho* does that Watch ftrike? 2 Maf. It never ftnkes, it only joints to the Bufinefs, as you muft do, without telling Tales. Dare you meet me two H^urs hence ? Roeb. Ay, M a d a m , but I fhall never hit the time exaclly without a Watch. 2 Maf. Well, take it. At ten exactly, at the Fountain in the Middle-Lemple. Cook upon Littleton be the Word. (Exit. Roeb. So If the L a w be all fuch Volumes as thou, Mercy on the poor Students 1 From Cook upon Littleton Sheets deliver me. Enter Lovewell. Lov. W h a t engag'd ? Mirmidon ! I find you'll never quit the Battel, till you have crack'd a Pike in the Service. Roeb. O h, dear Friend I Thou'rt critically come to my ReYief; for faith I'm almoft tir'd. Lov. What a miferable Creature is a Whore 1 w h o m every Fool dares pretend to love, and every wife M a n hates. Roeb. What? Moralizing again! O h , I'll tell thee News, Jvlan; I'm enter'd in the Inns, by the Lard! Lov. Pfhaw! Roeb. Nay, if you won't believe me, fee m y Note of Ad-million. (Shews the Watch* Lov. A Gold Watch, Boy! Roeb. Ay, a Gold Watch, Boy. Lov. Whence had you Money to buy it ? Roeb. I took it upon Tick, and I defign to pay honeftly. Lev. I don't like this running o'th' Score.-But what News from Lucinda, Boy ? Is fhe kind ? H a ? Enter a Majq:te croffing the Stage. Roeb. H a ! There's a ftatcly Qu.ier; I muft give her one Chace.-Lil tell you when I return. ' (Exit running. Lov. I find he has been at a Lois there, which occafions his ~agernefs for the Game here. I begin to repent me of my Sulpicion j I beheve her Vertue fo fa'cred, that 'tis a piece of Atheifm to cjiftruft its Exiftence. But Jealoufie in Love, like the Devil mRehg-on, - ftill raifmg Doubts, which without a hrm baah in what w e adore, will certainly d a m n us. • ' , . Enter a Porter. For. Is your N a m e Mr. Rot buck, Sir > pf"'io r. In hh*a1v e a^ fdmJal:Jl NVo thae* ;•fe o r". .Mh.ri tm,f rS.ir R,o ebuck, Sir? LCV\ |