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Show the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee. 51 flrain'd by the Scandal of the Lewdnefs, than by the Wicked-nefs of the Fact; and once a W o m a n has born the Shame of a Whore, fhe'll difpatch you the Sin in a moment. Wild. We're oblig'd to you, Ladies, for your Advice; and in return, give me leave to give you the definition of a good ^Vife, in the Character of m y own. The Wit of her Converfation never out-ftrips the Conduct of her Behaviour: She's affable to all Men, free with no M a n, and only kind to m e : Often chearful, fometimes gay, and always pleas'd, but when I a m angry ; then forry, not ful-len: The Park, Play-houfe, and Cards, fhe frequents in compliance with Cuftom; but her Diverfions of Inclination are at home : She's more cautious of a remarkable W o m a n , than of a noted Wit, well knowing that the Infection of her o wn Sex is more catching than the Temptation of ours: To all this, fhe is beautiful to a Wonder, fcornsall Devices that engage a Gallant, and ufes all Arts to pleafe her Husband. So, fpite of Satyr 'gainft a marry'd Life, A Man is truly lie/} with fuch a Wife. FINIS. |