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Show the Setjuel of the Trip to the Jubilee. ii Lure. No, no, Sir Harry, not at this time o'day; you fhall Hear from me in the Evening. Wild. Then, Madam, I'll leave you fomething to entertain you the while. 'Tis a French Pocket-book, with lome Remarks of m y own upon the new way of making Love. Pleafe to perufe it, and give me, your Opinion in the Evening. (Bocit. Lure. [Opening the Book.] A French Pocket-book, with Remarks upon the new way of making Love ! Then Sir Harry is turning Author, I find. What's here? --• Hi, hi, hi. A Bank Bill for a Hundred Pound. The new way of making Love ! Pardie ch fort Gallant. One of the prettiefi Remarks that ever I faw in m y Life ! Well now, that Wildair's 2i charming Fellow; Hi, hi, hi. • He has'fuch an Air, and fuch a Turn in what he does ! I warrant now there's a hundred home-bred Blockheads wou'd come; - Madam, I'll give you a hundred Guineas if you'll let me. • Faugh ! hang their naufeous immodeft Proceedings. Here's a Hundred pound now, and he never names the thing; I love an impudent Action with an Air of Modefty with all m y Heart. (Exit. The End of the Second ACT. A C T in. SCENE continues, Lurewell and MonCeur Marquis. . Lure. \AT ELL, Monfteur, and have you thought how to re*- * * taliate your ill Fortune ? ,- Monf. M a d a m , I have tought dat Fortune be one blind Bitch. W h y fhou'd Fortune be kinder to de Anglis Chevalier dan to de France Marquis? Ave I not de bon Grace? Ave I not de Perfonage ? Ave I not de Underftanding ? Can de Anglis Chevalier dance bettre dan I ? Can de Anglis Chevalier fence bettre dan I? Can de Anglis Cheval er play Baffet bettre dan I ? Den why fhou'd Fortune be kinder to de Anglis Chevalier dan de France Marquis ? Lure. W h y ? Becaufe Fortune is blind. . Monf. Blind! Yes begar, and dumb, and deaf too.-'- Veil den, Fortune give de Anglis M a n de Riches, but Nature give de Francemah de Politique to correct de unequal Diftii-bution,' , N1 hire. |