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Show The Twin-Rivals. 41 ^ E.IV. I can't difTemble, Sir, elfe I wou'd return your falfe Embrace. Y. W. Falfe Embrace! ftill fufpicious of m e ! I thought that five Years abfence might have cool'd the unmanly Heats of our childifh Days; that I a m over-joy'd at your Return, let this teftifie, This moment 1 refign all Right and Title to your Honour, and falute you, Lord. E. W. I want not your permiflion to enjoy m y Right; here I a m Lord and Mafter without your Refignation: and the firft ufe 1 make of m y Authority, is, to difcard that rude, Bull-fac'd Fellow at the Door. Where is m y Steward ? [Enter Clearaccount.] Mr. Gear account, let that pamper'd Sentinel below, this minute, be difcharg'd. Brother, I wonder you cou'd feed fuch a fwarm of lazy, idle Drones about you^ and leave the poor induftrious Bees, that fed you from their Hives, to ftarve for want. • Steward, look to't; if I have not Difcharges for every Farthing of m y Father's Debts upon m y Toylet to morrow morning, you fhall follow theTipftatl, I can allure you. Y. W. Hold, hold, m y Lord, you ufurp too large a Power, methinks, o'er m y Family. E. IF. Your Family! Y. W. Yes, m y Family: you have no Title to Lord it here* • Mr. Clearaccount, you know your Mafter. E. W. H o w ! a Combination againft me ! Brother, take heed how you deal with one that, cautious of your Falfhood, comes prepar'd to meet your Arts, and can retort your Cunning to your Infamy : Your black, unnatural Defigns, againft m y Life, before I went abroad, m y Charity can pardon ; but m y Prudence muft remember to guard me from your Malice for the future. Y. W. Our Father's weak and fondSurmife ! which he upon his Death-bed own'd ; and to recompence me for that in-jurious,. unnatural5ufpicion,he left m e lbleHeir to his Eftate. N o w , m y Lord, m y Houfe andServants arc at your Service* E. IK Villany beyond Example ! have I not Letters from m y Father, of fcarce a Fortnight's Date, where he repeats his Fears for m y Return, left it fhould again expofe m e to your Hatred? Sub. Well, well, thefe are no Proofs, nO Proofs, m y Lord ; they wo'n't pafs in Court againft pofitive Evidence : Here is your Father's Will, fignatitm & figillatum, betides his laft Words to confirm it, Court of Wefm thot fwiheirtc h I canY, t a2ke m y pofitive Oath inE^ .a n•W y. |