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Show 44 The Beaux Stratagem. again;-^ the Captain has m e on one fide, and the Prieft on t'other: ' So between the G o w n and the Sword, I have a fine time on't. But, Cedunt Arma toga. (Going, Gip. W h a t , Sirrah, wo'n't you march ? Scrub. N o , m y Dear, I wo'n't inarch but I'll walk! ; And I'll make bold to liften a little too. (Goes behind the Side-Scene, and liflens, Gip. Indeed, Doctor, the Count has been barbaroufly treat* ed, that's the truth on't. Foig. A h , Mrs. Gipfey , upon m y Shoul, n o w , Gra , Complainings wou'd mollifiethe Marrow in your Bones, and move the Bowels of your Commiferation ; he veeps, and he dances, and he fifties, and he fwears, and he laughs, and he ftamps, and he fings : In conclufion, Joy, he's atflidted, a la Francois, and a Stranger wou'd not know whider to cry, or to laugh with him. Gip. W h a t wou'd you have m e do, Doctor ? Foig. Noting, joy, but only hide the Count in Mrs. Sullen's Clofet when it is dark. Gip. Nothing! Is that nothing ? it wou'd be both a Sin and a fhame, Doctor. Foig. Here is twenty Lewidores, Joy, for your Shame ; and I will give you an Abfolution for the Shin. Gip. But wo'n't that Money look like a Bribe ? Foi<r. Dat is according as you fhall tauk ir. If you re-ceive^ the Money beforehand, 'twill be Logicc, a. Bribe; but you ftay till afterwards, 'twill be only a Gratification. Gip. Well, Doctor, I'll take it Logice. But what muft I do'with m y Confcience, Sir ? Foig. Leave dat wid me, Joy; I a m your Prieft, Gra; and your "Confcience is under m y Hands. Gip. But fhou'd I.put the Count into the Clofet Foig. Vel, is dere any Shin for a Man's being in a Clolhet? one m a y go to Prayers in a Clofhet. Gip. But if the Lady fhou'd come into her Chamber, and go to Bed ? Foig. Vel, and is dere any Shin in going to Bed, Joy ? Gip. Ay, but if the Parties fhou'd meet, Doctor ? Foig. Vel den the Parties muft be refponfable. D o you be after putting the Count in the Clofet; and leave the Shins wid themfelves. 1 will come with the Count to inftruct you in your Chamber. Gip. Well, Doctor, your Religion is fo pure Methinks I'm fo much S eeacfuirei tayft,e trh aant lA'bmf orleufotlivo'nd, t oa ndide caa Mn afritny raf troe'lth, witftehr ei'is* |