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Show Love and a Bottle. §i Lov. Let me fee't. Por. Av, Sir; if your N a m e be Mr. Roebuck, Si/. fjtv. M y N a m e is Roebuck, Blockhead. Por. God blefs you, Mafter. (Gives him a Letter, and Exit. Lov. This is fome tawdry Billet, with a fcrawling Adieu at the end on't. Thefe ftrolling Jades know a young whole- Tome Fellow newly come to T o w n , as well as a Parfons 'Wife doe? a fat Goofe. 'Tis certainly fome Secret, and therefore lhall be known. (Opens the Letter. SIR, Tuefday three a Clock. TV/|r Behaviour towards you this Adorning was fomewhat[iranae fV A but IJhall tell you the Caufe of it, if you meet me at Ten Night in our Garden ; the Back-door fhall be open. Yours Lucinda. .Oh Heavens! Certainly it can't be ! L,U,C,I,N,D,AS that fpelis W o m a n . T w a s never written fo plain before. Roebuck, thou'rt as true an Oracle, as fhe's a falie one. Oh thou damn'd Sybil! I have courted thee thefe three Years, and cou'd never obtain above a Kifs of the Hand, and this Fellow in an Hour or two has obtain'd the Back-door open. Mi. Roebuck, fince I have difcover'd fome of your .-ecrets, I'll make bo'd to open fome more of 'em But how fhall I (hake him off? Oh, I have it; I'll feck him iuftantly. (Exit. Enter Roebuck meeting the Porter. Roeb. Here, you Sir, have you a Note for one Roebuck * Por. I had, Sir; but I gave it to him juft now. 'Roeb. Y o u lie, Sirrah ; I a m the Man. Por. I an't pofitive I gave it to the right Perfon ; but I'm very fure I did; for he anfwer'd the Defcription the Page gave to a T, Sir. Roeb. T w a s well I met that Page, Dog, or n o w fhou'd I cut thy Throat, Rafcal. • Por. Blefs your Worfh'ip, noble Sir. (Exit. Roeb. At Ten, in the Garden ! The Back-door open! O h the delicious Place and Hour! Soft panting Breafts! Trembling Joynts! Melting Sighs! A n d eager Embraces!- O h Extafie!-- But h o w to fhake off Lovewell? -This is his nicely Vertuous! Ha, ha, ha.-^^-Jhis is his innate Principle of Verme! Ha, ha, ha. Enter |