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Show Love and a Bottle. n are like their Maidenheads,no fooner found than loft. - Here, Brufh, run after Pindrefs, and know the occafion of this. --- [Brufh runs.] --- Stay, come back. -- Zoons, I'm a Fool. Brufh. That's the firft wife word you have fpoken thefe two month?. Love. Trouble m e with your untimely Jefts, Sirrah, and Brufl). Your Pardon, Sir; I'm in down-right earneft. - Tis lefs Slavery to be Apprentice to a famous Clap-Surgeon, :han to a Lover. He falls out with me, becaufe he can't fall M with his Miftrefs. I can bear it no longer. i Love. Sirrah, what are you mumbling ? I Brufh. A fhort Prayer before I depart, Sir. - I have been Jhefe three Years your Servant, but now, Sir, I'm your humble Servant. [Bows atgoing, , Love. Hold, you fhan't leave me. Brufh. Sir, you can't be m y Mailer. , Love. W h y fo ? Brufh. Becaufe you're not your o w n Mafter; yef one would hink you might, for you have loft your Miftrefs. Oons, Sir, et her go, and a fair riddance. W h o throws away a Teller m d a Miftrefs, lofes Six-pence. That little Pimping Cupid ;s a blind Gunner. Had he fhot as many Darts as I have :arry'd Billets deux, he wou'd have laid her kicking with her leels up e'er now. In fhort, Sir, m y Patience is worn to the lumps with attending; m y Shoes and Stockings are upon their .aft Legs with trudging between you. I have fweat out all ny Moifture of m y Hand with palming your clammy Letters jpon her. I have - Love. Hold, Sir, your trouble is n o w at an end, for I defign :o marry her. Brufh. A n d have you courted her thefe three Years for nothing but a Wife ? Love. D o you think, Raskal, I wou'd have taken fo much pains to make her a Mifs ?' Brufh. No,Sir; the tenth part on'^ wou'd ha done. - But if you are refolv'd to marry, God b'w'ye. Love, What's the matter now, Sirrah ! Brufh, W h y , the matter will be, that I muft then Pimp for ber. Hark ye, Sir, what have you beendoingall this while, 3ut teaching her the w a y to Cuckold ye ? - - Take care, Sir ; look before you leap. You have a ticklilh Point to manage. Can you tell, Sir, what's her quarrel to you n o w ? Love. I can't imagine. I don't remember that ever 1 ot-fended her. :JQL nB r unf,a . |