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Show 18 The Twin-Rivals. Stew. But what wou'd you have me do ? Wife. D o ! Now's your time; that fmall Morfel of an Eftate your Lord bought lately, a thing not worth mentioning ; tike it towards your Daughter Mollys Portion-What's two hundred a Year ; 'twill never be miff. Stew. 'Tis but a fmall matter, I muft confefs; and as a Reward for m y paft faithful Service, I think it but reafona-ble I fb/Hi'd cheat a little now. Wife. Reafonable! All the reafon that can be, if the ungrateful World won't reward an honeft M a n , why let an honeft M a n reward himfelf There's five hundred Pounds you receiv'd but two days ago, lay them afide Y >u may eafily fink it in the Charge of the Funeral D o my dear now, kifs me, and do it. Stew. Well, you have fuch a winning way with you! But, m y Dear, I'm fo much afraid of m y young Lord's coming home ; he's a cunning clofe M a n , they fay, and will exa-. mine m y Accounts very narrowly. Wife. Ay, m y Dear, wou'd you had the younger Brother to deal with? You might manage him as you pleas'd I fee him coming. Let us weep, let us weep. (They pull out their Handkerchiefs, andfeem to mourn. Enter Toung Wou'dbe. Stm. Ah, Sir; w e have all loft a Father, a Friend, and a Supporter. Y. W. Ay, Mr. Steward, we muft fubmit to Fate, as he has~ done. And it is no fmall Addition to m y Grief, honeft Mr. Cbaraccount, that it is not in m y Power to fupply m y Father's place to you and yours - Y o u r Sincerity and Juftice to the dead, merits the greateft regard from thofe that furvive him •-Had I but m y Brother's Ability, or he m y Inclinations - 111 allure you, Mrs. Clearaccount, you fhou'd not have fuch caufe to mourn. Wife. Ah, good Noble Sir! Stew Your Brother, Sir, I hear, is a very fevere Man. Y. W. He is what the World call? a prudent Man, Mr. Steward: I have often heard him very levere upon Men of your Bufinefs; and has declar'd, That for Form's fake indeed he wou'd keep a Steward, but that he wou'd infpect into all his Accounts himfelf. Wife. Ay, Mr. Wou'dbe, you have more Senfe than to do thefe th'ngs; you have more Honour than to trouble your YHw.eeWrae.d twoi ftehr vyeo Vuor uo.w n Affairs Wou'd to Heavens we |