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Show The Recruiting Officer. 59 Plume. By fight only. Braz. Have a care, the very Eyes difcovers Secrets. (Exit. Enter Worthy. Wor. To Boot and Saddle, Captain, you muft mount. Plume. W h i p and fpur, Worthy, or you wo'n't mount. > Wor. But I fhall: Melinda and I are agreed, fhe's gone to vifit Silvia, w e are to mount and follow; and cou'd we cany a Parfon with us, w h o knows what might be done for us both? Plume. Don't trouble your Head, Melinda has fecur'd a Parfon already. Wor. Already ! D o you know more than I? Plume. Yes, I faw it under her Hand Brazen and fhe are to meet half a mile hence at the Water-fide, there to take Boat, I fuppofe to be ferry'd over to the Elyfian Fields, if there be any fuch thing in Matrimony. Wor. I parted with AlelindajuR n o w , fhe affur'd m e fhe hated Brazen, and that fhe refolv'd to diicard Lucy for daring to write Letters to him in her Name. Plume. Nay, nay, there's nothing otLucy in this. I tell ye, I faw Alelinda's Hand, as furely as this is mine. Wor. But 1 tell you, fhe's gone this minute to Juftice Ballance s Country-houfe. Plume. But I tell you, fhe's gone this minute to theWa-tcr- fide. Enter Servant. Serv. M a d a m Alelinda has fent word, that you need not trouble your felf to follow her, becaufe her Journey ta Juftice Ballance's is put off, and fhe's gone to take the Air another way. [To Worthy. Wor. H o w ! her Jdurney put off! Plume. That is, her Journey was a put-off to you. Wor. 'Tis plain, plain But how, where, when is fhe to meet Brazen t Plume. Juft now, I tell you, half a mile hence, at the W a ter- fide. Wor. U p or down the Water? Plume. That I dent know. Wor. I'm glad m y Horfes are ready Jack, get 'em out. Plume. Shall I go with you? Wor. Not an Inch I lhall return prefently. [Exit. Plume. You'll find m e at the Hall; the Juftices are fitting by this time, and I muft attend them. SCENF |