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Show 8 The Jncovftant: Or, Old M. Ay, fay you fo ! And they fay, that Chiari is ye* ry fine too. r . Par. Indifferent, Sir, very indifferent; a very lcurvy Air,' the moft unwholfome to a Fra*^ Conftitution in the World. Af/V. Pfhaw, nothing on't j thefe rafcally Gazetteers have mifinform'd you. Old M. Mifinform'd m e 1 Oons, Sir, were not we beaten there? Mr. Beaten, Sir! the French beaten ! Old AI. W h y , how was it, pray, fweet Sir ? Mir. Sir, the Captain will tell you. Dur. No, Sir, your Son will tell you. Mir. The Captain was in the Action, Sir, Dur. Your Son faw more than I, Sir, for he was a looker on. Old M. Confound ye both for a bravfc of Cowards: here are no Germans to over-hear you ; why don't ye tell me how it was? Mir. W h y , then you muft know, that w e march'd up a Body of the fineft, braveft, well-drefs'd Fellows in the Univerfe ; our Commanders at the Head of us, all Lace and Feather, like fo many Beaux at a Ball. I don't believe there was a M a n of'em, but cou'd dance a Charmer, Morbleu. Old Ai. Dance! very well, pretty Fellows, faith! Mir. W e caper'd up to their very Trenches, and there law peeping over a parcel of Scare-crow, Olive colour'd, Gunpowder Fellows, as ugly as the Devil. Dur. Igad, I fhall never forget the Looks of'em, while I have Breath to fetch. Mir. They were fo civil indeed as to welcome us with their Cannon; but for the reft, w e found 'em fuch unmannerly, rude, unfociable Dogs, that we grew tir'd of their Company, and fo we e'n dane'd back again. Old. M. And did ye all come back ? Mir. No, two or three thoufand of us ftay'd behind. Old Al. Wfiy, Bob, why ? Mir. Pfhaw becaufe they cou'd not come that Night; '• but come, Sir, we were talking of fomething elfe; pray fiow does your lovely Charge, the fair Oriana* Old Ai. Ripe, Sir, juft ripe; you'll find it better engaging with her than with the Germans, let m e tell you. And what wou'd you fay, m y young Aiars, if I had a Venus for thee too ? Come, Bob, your Apartment is ready, and pray let your Friend be m y Gucft too, you fhall command the Houfe between ye, and I'll be as merry as the beft of you. Mir. |