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Show the Sequel of the Trip fo the Jubilee. g£ Stand. What, then Mr. Clincher was with you, it feems ? Eh! Wild. Yes faith, w e have been together all this Afternoon; 'Tis a pleafant foolifh Fellow. He wou'd needs give m e a Welcome to Town, on pretence of hearing all the News from the Jubilee. The Humour was new to m e ; fo to't we went* • 1 But 'tis a weak-headed Coxcomb; two or three Bumpers did his Bufinefs. Ah Madam! What do I deferve for this ? (Afide to Lurewelh Lure. Look ye there, Sir; you fee h o w Sir Harry has clear'd m y Innocence. • I'm oblig'd t'ye, Sir; but I muft leave you to make it out. (To Wild, and Ex. Stand. Yes,yes; he has clear'd you wonderfully. But pray, Sir. 1 fuppofe you can inform m e how Mr. Clincher came into m y Hnule ? Eh I Wild. A y : Why, you muft knew, that the Fool got pre-fently as drunk as a Drum : fo I had him tumbfd into a Chair , and order'd the Fellows to carry him Home. N ow you muft know, he lodges but three Doors off; but the Boobies it feems, miftook the Door, and brought him in here, like a Brace of Loggerheads. Stand. Oh, yes! Sad Loggerhead?, to miftake a Door iri James's for a Houfe in Covent-Garden. Here. Enter Servants. Take a Way that Brute. ('Servants carry off'Clincher. And you fay, 'twas new Burgundy, Sir Harry, very ftrong. Wild. 'Egad, there is fome trick in this matter, and I lhall be difcover'd. [Afiie.] Ay, Collonel ; but I muft be gone: I'm engag'd to meet Collonel, I'm your humbie Servant. , (Going* Stand. But, Sir Harry, where's your Hat, Sir ? ^ Wild. O h Morbleau! Thefe Hats, Gloves, Canes, and Swords, are the ruin of all our Defigns (Afide. Stand. But where's your Hat, Sir Harry ? Wild. I'll never Intrigue again with anv thing about m e but what isjuft bound to m y Body. How lhall I come off ? • Hark ye, Collonel, inyour Ear; I wou'd not have your Lady hear it. You muft know, juft as I came into the R o om here, what fhou'd I fpy but a great Moufe running acrofs that Clofet-door. I took no notice, for fear your Lady fhould be frighted, but with all m y force, (d'ye fee,) I flung m y Hat at it, and fo threw it into the Clofet, and there it lies. Stand. And fo, thinking to kill the Moufe, you flung your Hat into that Clofet. , ., O" 2 Wild. |