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Show 4,6 The Recruiting Officer. Smith. What! what wou'd you have me do, Doctor? I wifK the Stars wou'd put m e in a way for .his fine Place. Kite. The Stars do let m e fee ay, about an hour hence, walk carelefly into the Market-place, and you'll fee a tall, flender Gentleman, cheapning a Pennyworth of Apples, with a Cane hanging upon his Button This Gentleman will ask you what's a Clock He's your M a n , and the maker of your Fortune Follow him, follow him: • And now go home, and take leave of your Wife and Children; an hour hence exactly is your time. Smith. A tall, flender Gentleman, you fay, with a Cane! Pray, what fort of Head has the Cane ? Kite. A n Amber Head, with a Black Ribband* Smith. And pray, of what Employment is the Gentleman? Kite. Let rne fee, he's either a Collector of the Excife, or a Plenipotentiary, or a Captain of Granadeers I can't tell exactly which but hell call you honeft your N a me is - Smith. Thomas. Kite. He'll call you honeft Tom. Skith. But how the Devil fhou'd he know m y N a m e ? A.. \ O there are feveral forts of Toms Tom o' Lincoln'^ Tom-tit, Tom Tell-troth, Tom a Bedlam, and Tom Fool Be gone • A n hour hence precifely. (Knocking at the Door. Smith. You fay, he'll ask m e what's a Clock ? Kite. Moft^certainly And you'll anfwer you don't know And be fure you look at St. Mary's Dial ; for the Sun wo'n't fhine, and if it fhou'd, you wo'n't be able to tell the Figures. Smith. I will, I will. (Exit. Plume. Well done, Conjurer, go on and profper. (Behind; Kite. As you were. Enter a Butcher. What, m y old Friend Pluck the Butcher! I offer'd the furly Bull-dog five Guineas this Morning, and he refus'd it* (Afide. But. So, Mr. Conjurer, here's Haifa C r o w n - - And now you muft underftand Kite. Hold, Friend, I know your bufinefs beforehand. : But. You're devilifh cunning then, for I don't well know it m y felf. Kite. I know more than you, Friend You have a foolifh Saying, that fuch a one knows no more thaii'theMan in the Moon : I tell you, the M a n in the M o o n knows more than! |