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Show to The Inconflant : Or, Mir. No Gentlemen, but I'll beftow it with all my heart. (Qffering it. Bra. O, Sir, w e fhall rob you. Mir. That you do I'll be fworn. [Afide,] I have another at home, pray, Sir - Gentlemen you're too modeft, have I any thing elfe that you fancy Sir, will you do m e a Favour ? (To the i Brayo.) I a m extreamly in love with that Wig which you wear, will you do m e the Favour to change with me. i Bra. Look'e, Sir, this is a Family-Wig, and I wou'd snot part with it, but if you like it Mir. Sir, your moft humble Servant. (They change Wigs, I Bra. Madam, your moft humble Slave. (Goes up Fopifhly to the Lady, falutes 2 Bra. The Fellow's very liberal, fhall w e murder him? i Bra. What! Let him fcape, to hang us all. And 1 to lofe m y Wig, no, no, I want but a handfome Pretence to quarrel with him, .for you know w e muft act like Gentlemen J Here fome Wine - (Wine here.) Sir your good Health. (Pulls Mirabel by the Nofe, Mir. Oh, Sir, your moft humble Servant, a pleafant frcv lick enough ; to drink a Man's Health and pull him by thq Nofe, ha, ha, ha, the pleafanteft pretty humour'd Gentleman. Lam. Help the Gentleman to a Glafs. (Mir. drinks. i Bra. H o w d'ye like the Wine, Sir ? Aiir. Very good, O the kind Sir! But I'll tell ye what I find, were all inclin'd to be frolickfome, and Tgad for my own part, I was never more difpofed to be merry; let's make a Night on't, ha! This Wine is pretty, but I have fuch Burgundy at home. Look'e, Gentlemen, let m e fend for a dozen Flasks of m y Burgundy, I dcfie France to match it • twill make us all Life, all Air, pray Gentlemen. 2 Bra. Eh ! Shall us have his Burgundy? i Bra. Yes, faith, we'll have all w e can, here, call up the Gentleman's Servant What think ycu, Lamorce ? Lam. Yes, yes, your Servant is a foolifh Country Boy, Sir, he understands nothing but Innocence? Mir. Ay, ay, M a d a m here Page (Enter Oriana.) take this Key and go to m y Butler, order him to fend half a dozen Flasks of the red Uwgutidy, mark't a thoufand, and be fure you make haft, I long to "entertain m y Friends here, my verOym ngeoso,d FArhi,e nddesa.r Sir! i Bn. |