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Show the Sequel of the Trip to the Jubilee. 45 with your Wife, and you lie with mine. Honour! That's fuch an Impertinence! Pray, m y Lord; hear me. W h a t , does your Honour think of murdering your Priend's Reputation ? Making a Jeft of his Misfortunes ? Cheating him at Cards, debauching his Bed, or the like? Lo. W h y , rank Villainy. Wild. Pilh! pifh! Nothing but good Manners, Excefs of good Manners. W h y , you han't been at Court lately. There 'tis the only Practice to fhew our Wit and Breeding. As for Inftance; your Friend reflects upon you when abfent, becaufe 'tis good Manners; rallies you when prefent, becaufe 'tis witty; cheats you at Piquet, to fhew he has been in France; and lies with your Wife, to fhew he's a M a n of Quality. Lo. Very well, Sir. Wild. In fhort, m y Lord, you have a wrong Notion of things. Shou'd a M a n with a handfome Wife revenge all Affronts done to his Honour, poor White, Chaves, Morris. Locket, Pawlet, and Pontack, were utterly ruin'd. Lo. H o w fo, Sir ? Wild. Becaufe, m y Lord, you muft run all their Cufto-mers quite through the Body. Were it not for abufing your M e n of Honour, Taverns, and Chocolate-houfes cou'd not fubfift ; and were there but a round Tax laid upon Scandal and falfe Politicks, w e Men of Figure wou'd find it much heavier than four Shillings in the Pound. Come, come, m y Lord ; no more on't, for Shame; vour Honour is fafc enough, for I have the Key of its Back-door in m y Pocket. (Runs off. Lo. Sir, I fhall meet you another time. (Exit. SCENE, the Fields. Enter Marquis with a Servant carrying his fghting Equipage, Pumps, Cap, &c. He dreffes himfelf accordingly, and fiou-rifhes about the Stage. Aiar. Sa, fa, fa, fient a la Tate. Sa, Embaracade ; Quart fur redouble. Hey! Enter Wildair. Wild. Ha, ha, ha; The Devil! Muft I fight with a T u m bler ? Thefe French are as great Fops in their Quarrels, as in their Amours. Mar. Allon! allons! Stripe, ftripe. Wild. |