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Show The Twin-Rivals. 19 T. W. Wou'd I cou'd ferve you, Madam, - without In-juftice to m y Brother. Enter a Servant. Ser. A Letter for m y Lord Wou'dbe. Stew. It comes too late, alas! for his perufal, let me fee it: [Opens, and Reads. Franckfort, Octob. 10. New Style. Franckfort! Where's Franckfort, Sir ? T. W. In Germany: This Letter muft be from m y Brother; I fuppofe he's a coming home. Stew. 'Tis none of his Hand. Let me fee. [Reads. My Lord, T Am troubled at this unhappy Occafion offending to your Lordfhip', **• your brave Son, and my dear Friend, was yefterday unfortunately kill'd in a Duel by a German Count I fhall love a German Count as long as I live. My Lord, my Lord, now I may call you fo, fince your elder Brother's • dead. Y. W. And W. How ? Stew. Read there. [Gives the Letter, Wou'dbe perufes it. Y.W. Oh, m y Fate! a Father and a Brother in one day! Heavens! 'Tis too much Where is the fatal MefTenger ? Ser. A Gentleman, Sir, who faid, he came poft on purpofe. He was afraid, the Contents of the Letter wou'd un-qualifie m y Lord for Company ; fo he would take another time to wait on him. Y. W. Nay, then 'tis true ; and there is truth in Dreams Laft Night I dreamt Wife. Nay, m y Lord, I dreamt too ; I dreamt I faw your Brother drefs'd in a long Minifter's Gown, ( Lord blefs us! ) with a Book in his Hand, walking before a dead Body to the Grave. Y. W. Well, Mr. Clear account, get Mourning ready. Stew. Will your Lordihip have the old Coach cover'd, or a new one made. Y. W. A new one. The old Coach, with the Grey Hor-fes, I give to Mrs. Clearaccount here; 'tis not fit fhe fhou'd walk the Streets. Wife. Heav'ns blefs the German Count, I fay. But, my Lord Y. V". N o Reply, Madam, you fhall have it. And receive it but as the Earr.cit of m y Favour:. Mr. Ciear-vcornt, I double your Salary, and all the Servants Wages, to mo- |