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Show The Conftant Couple. 61 Enter Standard. Stand* Stay, Madam, you need not fhun my Sight; for if you are perfect W o m a n , you have Confidence to out-face a Crimej and bear the Charge of Guilt without a Blufh. Lure. The Charge of Guilt! What? Making a Fool of ou? I've don't, and glory in the Act, the height of Female uftice were to make you all hang or drown, difTembling to the prejudice of M e n is Virtue; and every Look, or Sign, or Smile, or Tear that can deceive is Meritorious. Stand. Very pretty Principles truly if there be Truth in W o m a n , 'tis now in thee Come, Madam, you know that you're difcover'd, and being fertfible you can't efcape, you wou'd n o w turn to Bay. That Ring, M a d a m , proclaims you guilty. Lure. O Monftcr, Villain, perfidious Villain! Has he told you ? Stand. I'll tell it you, and loudly too. Lure. O name it not yes, fpeak it out, 'tis fojuft Punifhrpent for putting Faith in M a n , that I will bear it all; arid let credulous Maids that truft their Honour to the Tongues of Men, thus hear their Shame proclaim'd Speak now, what his bufie Scandal, and your improving Malice both dare utter. Stand. Your Falfhood can't be reach'd by Malice, nor by Satyr ; your Actions are the jufteft Libel on your Fame • your Words, your Looks, your Tears, I did believe in fpight of common Fame. Nay, 'gainft m y own Eyes, I ftill main-tain'd your Truth. I imagin'd Wildair 's boafting of your Favours to be the pure refult of his o w n Vanity: At laft he urg'd your taking Prefents of him, as a convincing Proof of which you Yefterday from him receiv'd that Ring which Ring, that I might be fure he gave it, I lent him for that purpofe. Lure. H a ! Y o u lent him for that purpofe! Stand. Yes, yes, M a d a m , I lent him for that purpofe • no denying it 1 know it well, for I have worn it long and defire you now, Madam , to reftore it to the juft Owner. Lure. The juft Owner! Think, Sir, think but of what Importance 'tis to own it, if you have Love and Honour in vour Soul. 'Tis then moft juftly yours, if not, you are a Hobber, and have ftofn it bafely. I L Stand |