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Show jo .. The Beaux Stratagem. ' Sir Ch. Aaid have yoii-fuceeeded ? Sj*lly"So. Arch. The Condition fails of his.fide • Pray, Madam', what did you marry for? • V Mrs. Sulk -To fuppoit :the Wea'rfntfs of m y Sex by the Strength of his, and to enjoy the Pleafures of an agreeable Society. Sir Ch. Are your Expectations anfwer'd ? Mrs. Sull. No. Count. A clear Cafe, a clear Cafe. Sir Ch. W h a t are the Bars to your mutual Contentment. Mrs. Sull. In the firft place, I can't drink Ale with him. Sull. Nor can I drink Tea with her. Mrs. Sull. I can't hunt with you. Sull. Nor can I dance with you. Mrs.Sull. I hate Cocking and Racing. Sull. And I abhor Ombre and Piquet. Mrs. Sull. Your Silence is intollerable. Sull. Your Prating is worfe. Mrs. Sull. Have we not been a perpetual Offence to ead other ? A gnawing Vulture at the Heart ? Sull. A frightful Goblin to the Sight. Mrs. Sull. A Porcupine to the Feeling. Sull. Perpetual W o r m w o o d to the Tafte. Mrs. Sull. Is there on Earth a thing w e cou'd agree in ? Sull. Yes to part. Mrs Sull. With all m y Heart. Sull. Your Hand. Mrs. Sull. Here. Sull. Thefe Hands join'd us, thefe fhall part us away. Mrs. Sull. North. Sull. South. Mrs. Sull. Eaft. Sull. Weft far as the Poles afunder. Count. Begar, the Ceremony be vera pretty. Sir Ch* N o w , Mr. Sullen, there wants only m y Sifter's tune to make us eafie. Sull. Sir Charles, you love your Sifter, and I love her tune; every one to his Fancv. Arch. Then you wo'n't refund ? Sull. Not a Stiver. Arch. Then I find, M a d a m , you muft e'en go to your P ion again. Count. What is the Portion ? |