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Show Love and a Bottle. 65 Permit m e then but this Night to return to the Arms of m y dear Bride, and Faith and Troth I'll take a fair Thruft with you to Morrow Morning. Lov. W h a t ! beg a poor Reprieve for Life!-Then thour't a Coward. Roeb. You imagin'd the contrary, when you employ*d me to fight for ye in Moorfields. Lov. Will nothing move thy Gall? Thou'rt bafe, ungrateful. ' Roeb. Ungrateful! I love thee, Ned; by Heavens, my Friend, I love thee: Therefore name not that word again, for fuch a Repetition wou'd over-pay all thy Favours. Lov. A cheap, a very cheap way of making Acknowledgment, and therefore thou haft catch'd, which makes thee more ungrateful. Roeb. M y Friendihip even yet does balance Paflion ; but throw in the leaft Grain more of an Affront, and by Heaven you turn the Scale. Lov. (Paufing) N o , I've thought better ; m y Reafon clears: She's not worth m y Sword ; a Bully only fhou'd draw in her Defence, for fhe's falfe, a Proftitute. (Puts up his Sword. Roeb. A Proftitute! By Heaven thou ly'ft. (Draws.)-Thou haft blafphem'd. Her Vertue anfwers the uncorrupted State of W o m a n ; fo much above Immodefty, that it mocks Temptation. She has convinc'd me of the bright Honour of her Sex, and I ftand Champion now for the fair Female Caufe. , _ . Lov. Then I have loft what naught on Earth can pay, Curfe on all Doubts, all Jealoufies, that deftroy our prefent Happinefs, by mittrufting the future. Thus Misbelievers m aking their Heaven uncertain, find a certain Hell.--And is fhe vertuous ? found the bold Charge aloud, which does proclaim m e guilty. Roeb. By Heavens, as vertuous as thy Sitter. . Lov. M y Sifter! Ha! 1 fear, Sir, your Marriage with Lucinda has wrong'd m y Sifter; for her you courted, and I heard fhe lov'd you. • Roeb. I courted her, 'tis true, and lovd her alfo; nay my Love to her rival'd m y Friendihip t o w r d s - ; ^ had my Fate allow'd m e time for Thought, her d e a r . R ^ ^ might have ftop'd the Marriage. But fince is, paft, I muft o w n to you, to her, and all the: WorId tba: I caft oft all former Pafnon, and fhall henceforth c o n f i n ^ h ^ u f t now dear Circle of her charming Arms from which I;uft n ow Pelted. p EiUtr, |