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Show 16 The Conftant Couple. Wild. Madam 1,1 -Zoons, 1 cannot fpeak to her- But (he's a Whore, and I will Madam, in fhort, I, I - OHypocrifie, Hypocrifie? What a charming Sin art thou? Angel. He is caught, now to fecure m y Conqueft • I thought, Sir, you had Bufinefs to impart ? Wild. Bufinefs to impart! H o w nicely fhe words it! Yes M a d a m ; Don't you, don'r you love fingingBirds, M a d a m ? Angel. That's an odd Queftion for a Lover-Yes, Sir. Wild. W h y then, Madam, here is a Neft of the prettieft Goldfinches that ever chirp'd in a Cage ; twenty young ones, I afftire you. Madam. Angel. Twenty young ones! W h a t then, Sir? Wild. W h y then, Madam, there are twenty young ones- S'Life, I think twenty is pretty fair. Angel. He's mad, fure-Sir Harry, whert you have learn'd more Wit and Manners, you fhall be welcome here agen. Wild. WTit and Manners! 1 Gad now I conceive there is a great deal of Wit and Manners in twenty Guineas • I'm fure 'tis all the Wit and Manners I have about me at pre-fent. What fhall I do? Enter Clincher junior and Dicky. What the Devil's here ? Another Coufin I warrant ye! Hark'e, Sir, can you lend m e ten or a dozen Guineas inftantly? I'll pay you fifteen for them in three Hours upon m y Honour. Clin.jun. Thefe Imdon Sparks are plaguy impudent! This Fellow, by his W i g and AfTurance, can be no kfs than a Courtier. Dick. He's rather a Courtier by his borrowing. Clin.jun. Faith, Sir, I han't above five Guineas about me. Wild. What Bufinefs have you here then, Sir ? For to my Knowledge twenty won't be fufficient. ClinAun. Sufficient! For what, Sir ? Wild. What Sir! W h y , for that Sir, what the Devil fhould it be, Sir; I know your Bufiuefs notwithftanding all your Gravity, Sir. Clin.jun. M y Bufinefs! W h y my Coufin lives here. Wild. I know your Coufin does live there, and Vizard's Coufin, and-Coufin, and every Bodies Coufin Hark'e, Sir, I (hall return immediately, and if you offer to touch her till I come back, I fhall cut your Throat, Rafcal. (Exit Clin.jun. W h y the Man's mad, fure! , Dick. Mad, Sir, ay ; why he's a Beau. Urn. jun. A Beau! What's that? are all Madmen Beaux? Ditf. |