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Show 58 The Conftant Couple, port, and the Soul with Raptures? Lovely Woman. --. What is the Mafter-ftroke and Smile of the Creation, but Charming; Vertuous Woman* When Nature, in the general Compo-fition, firft brought W o m a n forth , like a flufh'd Poet, ravifh'd with his Fancy, with Extafic; the bleft, the fair Production. Methinks, m y Friend, y6u relifh not m y Joy. What is the Caufe ? Stand. Can ft thou not guefs ? What is the Bane of M a n , and Scourge of Life, but Woman* What is the Heathenifh Idol M a n fets Up, and is damn'd for worfhip-ping, Treacherous Woman i What are thofe, whole Eyes, like Bafilisks, fhine beautiful for fure Destruction, whofe Smiles are dangerous as the Grin of Fiends? but falfe deluding Woman. Woman! whofe Compofition inverts Humanity ; their Body's Heavenly, but their Souls are Clay. Wild. Come, come, Colonel, this is too much: I know your Wrongs receiv'd from Lurewell, m a y excufe your Refent-ments againft her. But 'tis unpardonable to charge the Failings of a fingle W o m a n upon the whole Sex. 1 have found one, whofe Vertues"- Stand. So have I, Sir Harry; I have found one, whofe Pride's above yielding to a Prince. And if Lying, Diffembling, Perjury and Falfhood, be no Breaches in a Woman's Honour, (he's as innocent as Infancy. Wild. Well, Colonel, I find your Opinion grows ftronger by Oppofition; 1 fhall now therefore wave the Argument, and only beg you for this D a y to make a Show of Complaifance at leaft. Here comes m y Charming Bride. Enter Darling and Angelica.- Stand. [Saluting Angelica.] I-with you, M a d a m , all the Joys of Love and Fortune. Enter Clincher, junior. Gin. Gentlemen and Ladies, I'm juft upon the Spur, and have only a Minute to take m y Leave. Wild. Whither are you bound, Sir ? Gin. Bound, Sir ! I'm going to the Jubilee, Sir. Dar. Blefs me, Coufin ! how came ye by thefe Cloaths ? Gin. Cloaths! Ha, ha, ha, the rareft Jeft! Ffe, ha, ha, I fhall burft, by Jupiter Ammon, I fhall burft. Dar. What's the matter, Coufin ? Gin. The matter! Ha, ha, haj W h y , an honeft Porter, ha, ha, ha, has knock'dout m y Brother's Brains, ha, harha. Wild. A very good Jeft, i'faith, ha, ha, ha. Gin. Ay, ^ ir, but Bhraa,i hnas, w hiat.h a Hamme trh,e baenftd J(efoth ©o fi sa lals i sd,e ahde kanso ac kD'odo ro-unta ihpil#sy-, |