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Show 11 The Twin-Rivali. Rich. Why, what have you to do with her Portion ? Tru. I lov'd her up to Marriage, by this Light. Rich. Marriage! Ha, ha, ha; I love the Gipfie forherCtin^ toing. A young, eafie, amorous, credulous Fellow of twdi and twenty, was juft the G a m e fhe wanted; I find fhe prefently fingled you out from the Herd. Tru. You diffract m e! Rich. A Soldier too, that muft follow the Wars abroad^ and leave her to Engagements at home. Tru. Death and Furies; I'll be reveng'd. Rich. W h y ? What can you do? You'll challenge her,' will you ? Tru. Her Reputation was fpotlefs when I went over. Rich. So was the Reputation of Marefchal Bouffters; but d'e think, that while you were beating the French abroad, that w e were idle at home ? No, no, w e have had our Sieges, our Capitulations, and Surrendries, and all that. - W e have cut our felves out good Winter Quarters as well as you. 7>«. A n d are you billetted there ? Rich. Look'e, Trueman, you ought to be very trufty to a fe-cret, that has fav'd you from Deftruction.- In plain terms, I have bury'd Five hundred Pounds in that little fpot, and I fhould think it very hard, if you took it over m y head* Tru. Not by a Leafe; for Life, 1 can afTure you: But I /hall Rich. W h a t ! you ha'n't Five hundred Pounds to give.' Look'e, fince you make no fport, fpoil none. In a Year or two, (he dwindles to a perfect BafTet-Bank; every body may play at it that pleafes, and then you may put in for a piece or two. Tru. Dear Sir, I could worfhip you for this. Rich. Not for this, Nephew; for I did not intend it, but I came to leek you upon another Affair. Were not you in the Prelence laft Night ? Tru. I was. Rich. Did not you talk to Clelia, m y Lady Tapers Niece ? Tru. A fine W o m a n. Rich. Well! I met her upon the Stairs, and handing her to her Coach ; fhe asked me, if you were not m y Nephew ? and faid two or three w a r m things, that perfuade m e fhe likes you : Her Relations have Intereft at Court, and fhe has M o ney in her Pocket. Tru. Put this Devil Aurelia ftill (ticks with me. Rich. What then cefs, is to marry in a !no tThhere fww iatyh ottop lvoevnei einnc oen.e pCllaecleti whaio htuhafs af nuFdco -ur |